随着数字化时代的快速发展,手机等电子产品的使用不断增加,致使父母低头行为现象普遍存在,而父母低头行为会破坏亲子间的沟通与交流,诱发亲子冲突,导致儿童外化攻击性行为与内化社会退缩行为的出现。据此,研究通过量化分析的方式,探讨亲子冲突和攻击性行为在父母低头行为与儿童社会退缩行为之间的中介作用。通过对339名儿童的父母进行问卷调查发现,父母低头行为能够正向预测儿童社会退缩行为,而亲子冲突和攻击性行为均能在父母低头行为与儿童社会退缩行为中起链式中介的作用。因此得出,降低父母低头行为有利于缓和亲子冲突并减少儿童攻击性行为,从而改善儿童社会退缩行为问题等。The rapid development of the digital age and the increasing use of cell phones and other electronic products have led to the prevalence of the phenomenon of parental head-down behavior. Parental head-down behavior disrupts parent-child communication and exchange and induces parent-child conflict, so it leads to the emergence of children’s externalized aggressive behavior and internalized social withdrawal behavior. Accordingly, the current study explored the mediating role of parent-child conflict and aggressive behavior between parental head-down behavior and children’s social withdrawal behavior through quantitative analysis. A questionnaire survey of 339 children’s parents revealed that parental head-down behavior positively predicted children’s social withdrawal behavior, whereas both parent-child conflict and aggressive behavior chain-mediated the relationship between parental head-down behavior and children’s social withdrawal behavior. Therefore, it was concluded that reducing the phenomenon of parental head-down behavior would help to alleviate parent-child conflict and reduce the phenomenon of children’s aggressive behavior, thus improving children’s socially withdrawn behavior.