The paper gives a comprehensive summary and a contrastive analysis of the styles of Business English and Scientific and Technical English.A brief conclusion is drawn that both of them are varieties of some kind of English function.It is clear that both of them are based on the general English.However,each of them has its own characteristics and principles which are different from each other.The paper compares and contrasts the differences and similarities of both business and scientific English based on the linguistic characteristics.Finally,the author expects that the analysis will be helpful to the writing in the two styles.
类比和隐喻是认知语言学中常见的两种语义建构机制,其最终目的是降低认知难度,因此经常被运用在以阐释为目的的科技英语文体中。两者常因映射机制的相似性而被混淆。然而,从结构映射及概念隐喻理论可以看出,类比侧重系统结构的映射对接,而隐喻侧重概念特征单向投射。即使显性或隐性地共同呈现出"A is B"的语言结构,在具体语境中也有类比或隐喻的侧重性,而非完全雷同,但在某些语境下又可能存在相互补充的糅合关系。