本文旨在深入剖析当前高校教师聘任制度改革过程中面临的法律挑战与困境,并探讨相应的解决策略。随着高等教育改革的不断深化,教师聘任制度作为激发教师活力、优化师资结构的关键环节,其改革成效直接影响到高校的教学质量和科研创新能力。本文通过系统的法律分析与实证研究,旨在为我国高校教师聘任制度改革的深化提供有益的法律参考与决策支持,促进高等教育事业的健康持续发展。This article aims to deeply analyze the legal challenges and difficulties faced in the current reform process of the appointment system for university teachers and explore corresponding solutions. With the continuous deepening of higher education reform, the teacher appointment system, as a key link to stimulate teacher vitality and optimize teacher structure, has a direct impact on the effectiveness of its reform on the teaching quality and research innovation ability of universities. This article aims to provide useful legal references and decision-making support for the deepening of the reform of the appointment system for university teachers in China through systematic legal analysis and empirical research and promote the healthy and sustainable development of higher education.