Online tracking mechanisms employed by internet companies for user profiling and targeted advertising raise major privacy concerns. Despite efforts to defend against these mechanisms, they continue to evolve, rendering many existing defences ineffective. This study performs a large-scale measurement of online tracking mechanisms across a large pool of websites using the OpenWPM (Open Web Privacy Measurement) platform. It systematically evaluates the effectiveness of several ad blockers and underlying Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PET) that are primarily used to mitigate different tracking techniques. By quantifying the strengths and limitations of these tools against modern tracking methods, the findings highlight gaps in existing privacy protections. Actionable recommendations are provided to enhance user privacy defences, guide tool developers and inform policymakers on addressing invasive online tracking practices.
BACKGROUND Helicobacter pylori(H.pylori)infects over half the global population,causing gastrointestinal diseases like dyspepsia,gastritis,duodenitis,peptic ulcers,GMALT lymphoma,and gastric adenocarcinoma.Eradicating H.pylori is crucial for treating and preventing these conditions.While conventional proton pump inhibitor(PPI)-based triple therapy is effective,there’s growing interest in longer acid suppression therapies.Potassium competitive acid blocker(P-CAB)triple and dual therapy are new regimens for H.pylori eradication.Initially used in Asian populations,vonoprazan(VPZ)has been recently Food and Drug Administration-approved for H.pylori eradication.AIM To assess the efficacy of regimens containing P-CABs in eradicating H.pylori infection.METHODS This study,following PRISMA 2020 guidelines,conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis by searching MEDLINE and Scopus libraries for randomized clinical trials(RCTs)or observational studies with the following command:[("Helicobacter pylori"OR"H pylori")AND("Treatment"OR"Therapy"OR"Eradication")AND("Vonaprazan"OR"Potassium-Competitive Acid Blocker"OR"P-CAB"OR"PCAB"OR"Revaprazan"OR"Linaprazan"OR"Soraprazan"OR"Tegoprazan")].Studies comparing the efficacy of P-CABs-based treatment to classical PPIs in eradicating H.pylori were included.Exclusion criteria included case reports,case series,unpublished trials,or conference abstracts.Data variables encompassed age,diagnosis method,sample sizes,study duration,intervention and control,and H.pylori eradication method were gathered by two independent reviewers.Meta-analysis was performed in R software,and forest plots were generated.RESULTS A total of 256 references were initially retrieved through the search command.Ultimately,fifteen studies(7 RCTs,7 retrospective observational studies,and 1 comparative unique study)were included,comparing P-CAB triple therapy to PPI triple therapy.The intention-to-treat analysis involved 8049 patients,with 4471 in the P-CAB intervention group and 3578 in the PPI control group across