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计算流体力学(CFD)作为一种用计算机来模拟流体实际流动情况的前沿分析方法,是流体力学问题的定量化求解工具。近年来, CFD在古生态学(特别是化石功能学)方面得到了越来越广泛的应用。虽然CFD包含多种湍流计算模型,但早期对古生物化石的仿真模拟实验主要基于雷诺平均数值模拟(RANS)。本文以寒武纪已灭绝的高钙化海绵动物——“规则”古杯动物化石模型为例,应用基于大涡模拟(LES)的湍流数值计算模型进行相关的流体力学模拟与分析。同时,应用RANS模型并以相同的流体动力学参数进行仿真模拟,从而详细比较不同计算模型间的差异。CFD结果重现了古杯动物在海底古水流环境下的流体力学特征, LES和RANS实验共同揭示了“规则”古杯动物独特的骨骼形态在其滤食以及有性繁殖等方面的适应性优势。与RANS模型相比, LES这一计算模型在本案例中呈现出更高精度的模拟结果,值得在相关研究中作进一步的推广。
南疆塔里木板块北部轮南油田在上奥陶统良里塔格组沉积期显示大致由东向西加深的陆表海缓坡地貌,19口钻井岩芯灰岩中可鉴定出钙质微生物Renalcis、Girvanella、Wetheredella、Garwoodia、Phacelophyton yushanensis、Hedstroemia?和Halysis;钙藻类Vermiporella、Dasyporella、Plexavaria和Solenopora;后生动物类型含海绵、珊瑚、苔藓虫、三叶虫、腕足动物、棘皮动物、腹足类、介形类等。不同钻井之间的古生态地层单元对比显示生物礁和灰泥丘主要发育于轮南油田西部井区,而东部井区则多为台内碎屑滩相沉积;海底地貌差异,特别是向西水深加大可视为控制轮南油田良里塔格组生态组合展布的主要因素。
本文展示的华南板块上扬子区黔中古陆滨岸带志留系灰岩地层具有独特的古生态学指标。黔北仁怀核桃湾剖面兰多维列统艾隆阶石牛栏组沉积时的古地理位置靠近海岸线,厚度约30 m,未经历远岸区石牛栏组下部松坎段含泥质粉砂瘤状灰岩的过渡,浅海生屑灰岩就直接整合覆盖于龙马溪组黑色笔石页岩之上,此滨岸带生物-岩相的急剧转折表明从龙马溪组缺氧变为石牛栏组富氧海底是快速发生的。核桃湾滨岸附近无河流携带陆源碎屑注入而影响海水盐度和清澈度,潮汐影响弱。腕足类、珊瑚-海百合粗颗粒碎片可形成薄层生屑滩灰岩,灰岩微相显示细颗粒生屑化石的生物多样性组成均为常见的底栖壳相动物类型,但不栖居钙质微生物或后生动物造礁生态群落。桐梓上升事件导致石牛栏组顶部沉积相单元缺失,海退过程中可能出现的蒸发白云岩坪以及潮间带交错层理记录因滨岸带露出海底时间长而被完全剥蚀。
The first shrimp preserved in mid-cretaceous Kachin amber:systematics,palaeoecology,and taphonomy
Amber from Kachin,Myanmar offers a unique window into mid-Cretaceous ecosystems because it provides large sample sets that span a wide range of taxa preserved in exquisite detail at approximately 99 Ma[1].A fringe benefit of such extensive sampling is that inclusions rarely captured in other amber deposits are represented in Kachin amber—even subaquatic taxa.Recent studies have documented inclusions of fully marine groups,such as ammonites[2]and bivalves[3].
Lida XingYu LiuRyan C.McKellarJavier LuqueGang LiYanping WangQiru YiRui SunEnze WangDenis Audo
Facies analysis and palaeoecology of the Jurassic Spiti Shale Formation in the Spiti area,Northern India被引量:4
The Spiti Shale Formation is a widely distributed stratigraphic unit of the passive northern margin of the Indian craton,deposited between the Callovian and earliest Cretaceous.The siliciclastic strata are dominated by dark-grey to black argillaceous silt.As the formation has undergone intense tectonic stress involving folding and faulting,it is very difficult to document a complete section.In the type area,the Spiti Valley,six sections have been measured that document parts of the three informal members of the formation,the Lower,Middle,and Upper members.Despite its uniform appearance,eight facies/biofacies types could be distinguished,ranging from the anoxic shale facies,with ammonites and belemnites as the only faunal elements,to the dysoxic Malayomaorica and Bositra biofacies,and the oxic to anoxic offshore shelf facies,which are characterized by low-diversity macrobenthos associations.Other facies are the condensed glauconiticphosphoritic mudrock facies and the Fe-oolitic siltstone facies(both characterized by sediment starvation),the aerated argillaceous silt-sandstone facies,and the tide-influenced nearshore shelf facies.The benthic macrofauna represents four bivalve-dominated associations all characterized by a very low to low species diversity.They are the Bositra buchii,the Australobuchia spitiensis,the Palaeonucula cuneiformis-Pruvostiella hermanni-Indogrammatodon egertonianus,and the Malayomaorica sp.-Australobuchia spitiensis-Retroceramus haasti association.Sediments and macrobenthic associations indicate that the Spiti Shale Formation represents outer to inner shelf environments,which for much of the time were subjected to upwelling and anoxic to dysoxic conditions.Distinct shallowing at the top characterizes the transition to the overlying Lower Cretaceous Giumal Formation.
Franz T.FürsichMatthias AlbertiDhirendra K.PandeyKetan ChaskarSuraj Bhosale
湖泊古生态学是古湖沼学的一个主要分支学科,主要通过沉积记录中的各种生物化石指标分析,重建不同时空尺度的湖泊生态系统演化过程,回答生态学、全球变化和环境管理应用方面的议题.本文回顾了国内外湖泊古生态研究的发展历程,在介绍湖泊古生态系列指标和研究基本原理基础上,着重评述了过去20 a来我国湖泊古生态研究取得的主要进展和成果,包括:(1)建立了基于多种生物和生物标记化合物指标进行古气候环境要素(温度、盐度、水体总磷等)定量重建的系列转换函数模型;(2)重点揭示了不同地质历史时期和近百年来湖泊生态环境演变的规律,及其对自然和人为驱动的响应特征与机理;(3)利用古生态记录诊断了湖泊生态系统突变模式与早期信号特征,定量揭示了湖泊生物群落演替与生态系统弹性损失的关系.上述成果为湖泊环境管理和治理提供了重要依据.本文最后对我国湖泊古生态研究进行了展望,提出了今后研究的重点方向.
A Review of the Taxonomy and Palaeoecology of the Anurognathidae(Reptilia,Pterosauria)被引量:1
The anurognathids are an enigmatic and distinctive clade of small,non-pterodactyloid pterosaurs with an unusual combination of anatomical traits in the head,neck,wings and tail.They are known from very limited remains and few have been described in detail,and as a result,much of their biology remains uncertain.This is despite their importance as potentially one of the earliest branches of pterosaur evolution or even lying close to the origins of pterodactyloids.This review covers the taxonomy and palaeoecology of the anurognathids,which remain an interesting branch of pterosaurian evolution.
David W.E.HONE
Eocene foraminiferal biofacies in Kutch Basin(India) in context of palaeoclimate and palaeoecology被引量:1
The Eocene Epoch passed through multiple hyperthermal events and recorded highest temperatures in the Cenozoic. Very few studies from Eocene palaeotropical sites have recorded changes in shallow marine foraminiferal assemblages. The present study investigates the foraminiferal biofacies of shallow marine successions from a palaeotropical site in western India (Kutch Basin) to understand the palaeoclimate and its impact on the ecology of foraminifera. The sections were biostratigraphically con strained using planktic and larger benthic foraminifera. Four biofacies are recognized by detrended correspondence analysis of the sample-wise distribution of foraminifera. Low diversity and dwarfed foraminifera characterize Bulimina-Chiloguembelino biofacies (SBZ5/6-SBZ10), corresponding to the interval of Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maxima (PETM) and Eocene Thermal Maxima 2 (ETM 2). Rectilinear benthic foraminifera and biserial and triserial planktic foraminifera, typical of high runoff, upwelling or eutrophic conditions, are dominant taxa in this biofacies. The specialist taxa increased significantly in Asterigerina-Cibicides biofacies, corresponding to SBZ11 (Early Eocene Climatic Optimum, EECO), and the environment became oligotrophic. The Jenkinsina-Brizalina biofacies (E12) is distinguished by foraminiferal assemblage ecologically like that of Bulimina-Chiloguembelina biofacies. It is characterized by high abundance of rectilinear benthic foraminifera and bloom of triserial planktic foraminifera, suggesting eutrophy and high runoff at the initiation of Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO). The foraminifera were more diverse and abundant in Cibicides-Nonion biofacies. The highly diverse larger benthic foraminiferal assemblage in this biofacies, signify warm and clear-water oligotrophic sea that promoted the development of platform carbonate in Kutch Basin and other basins in western India. The EECO and MECO did not have an adverse impact on shallow marine foraminifera, and particularly the larger benthic foraminifera att
Sonal KhanolkarPratul Kumar Saraswati
First Biological Records of Palaeoecology Changes Inferred from Pollen since 4800 cal. a B.P. in Alahake Saline Lake of North Xinjiang
Objective As the resource treasury of desert biodiversity,the wetland of Betula halophila has fragile ecologic system and low stability,which causes the sudden reduction of wetland area.The Alahake Saline Lake is known for an endangered species,Betula halophila.However,palaeoecology changes of the Alahake Saline Lake have been little documented.Therefore,it is necessary to
LI YumeiZHANG YunZHAO LongKONG Zhaochen