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10 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
以特早熟棉花品种国欣早12-1和中棉所50为材料,探讨施氮量对小麦后直播棉生长发育及氮素累计等的影响。结果表明:随施氮量增加,2个特早熟品种国欣12-1和中棉所50的产量、产量构成、株高、营养器官和生殖器官干物质及氮素积累都呈增加的特征。施氮量195、120 kg/hm2的处理分别比施氮量45 kg/hm2增产13.1%和8.5%;品种间存在显著差异,中棉所50比国欣早12-1增产11.9%,但施氮量195、120 kg/hm2的处理间差异不显著。国欣12-1和中棉所50的株高随着施氮量的增加而增加,在施氮量195、120 kg/hm2的处理下,国欣12-1和中棉所50的株高基本达到机收的要求(80~120 cm);叶片的SPAD值和干物质累积量随着施氮量的增加而增加;氮肥处理显著提高营养器官和生殖器官氮素累积量,但施氮量195、120 kg/hm2的处理之间都差异不显著;因此施氮120 kg/hm2更为高效。
以国欣棉6号为材料,采用"3414"组合设计试验方法,研究了密度、氮肥、化控3项关键栽培技术对转Bt基因抗虫棉品种国欣棉6号的产量及生长发育特性的影响。通过数学模型的优化与解析,明确了国欣棉6号在沿海地区高产高效种植的关键栽培技术。研究结果表明,在密度每公顷4.5万株、每公顷施纯氮300kg、分4个时期喷施缩节胺(DPC)150g的条件下,国欣棉6号子棉产量每公顷最高达4282kg。同时由拟合的效应方程(r=0.953)可得,在江苏地区,国欣棉6号在密度每公顷95280株、每公顷施纯N 199kg、DPC用量为343.5g时,其子棉理论产量最大,每公顷可达5017.1kg。
The effects of high temperature level on square Bt protein concen-tration of Bt cotton被引量:4
Higher boll worm survival rates were detected after high temperature presented during square period in Bt cotton. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of high temperature level on the Bt efficacy of two different types of Bt cotton cultivars at squaring stage. During the 2011 to 2013 cotton growth seasons, high temperature treatments ranged from 34 to 44°C in climate chambers, and field experiments under high temperature weather with various temperature levels were conducted to investigate the effects of the high temperature level on square Bt protein concentration and nitrogen metabolism. The climate chamber experiments showed that the square insecticidal protein contents reduced after 24 h elevated temperature treatments for both cultivars, whereas significant declines of the square insecticidal protein contents were detected at temperature 〉38°C, and only slightly numerical reductions were observed when temperature below 38°C. Similar high temperature responses were also observed at the two field experimental sites in 2013. Correspondingly, high temperature below 38°C seems have little effect on the square amino acid concentrations, soluble protein contents, glutamic-pyruvic transaminase(GPT) and glutamic-oxalacetic transaminase(GOT) activities as well as protease and peptidase activities; however, when the temperature was above 38°C, reduced soluble protein contents, enhanced amino acid concentrations, decreased GPT and GOT activities, bolstered protease and peptidase activities in square were detected. In general, the higher the temperature is(〉38°C), the larger the changes for the above compound contents and key enzymes activities of the square protein cycle. The findings indicated that the unstable insect resistance of the square was related to high temperature level during square stage.
WANG JunCHEN YuanYAO Meng-haoLI YuanWEN Yu-jinCHEN YuanZHANG XiangCHEN De-hua
Effects of Extreme Air Temperature and Humidity on the Insecticidal Expression Level of Bt Cotton被引量:13
The higher survival rates of Helicoverpa amigera larvae were usually observed after adverse climate which was related to extreme temperature (T) and relative humidity (RH) stresses in transgenic Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) cotton. The unstable resistance of Bt cotton to bollworms has been correlated with the reduced expression of CrylAc δ-endotoxin. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of combined temperature and relative humidity stresses on the leaf CrylAc insecticidal protein expression during critical developmental stages. The study was undertaken on two transgenic cotton cultivars that share same parental background, Sikang 1 (a conventional cultivar) and Sikang 3 (a hybrid cultivar), during the 2007 and 2008 growing seasons at the Yangzhou University Farm, Yangzhou, China. The study was arranged with two factors that consisted of temperature (two levels) and relative humidity (three levels). The six T/RH treatments were 37℃/95%, 37℃/70%, 37℃/50%, 18℃/95%, 18℃/70%, and 18℃/50%. In 2007, the six treatments were imposed to the plants at peak flowering stage for 24 h; in 2008, the six treatments were applied to the plants at peak square, peak flowering, and peak boll stages for 48 h. The results of the study indicated that the leaf insecticidal protein expression in CrylAc was significantly affected by extreme temperature only at peak flowering stage, and by both extreme temperature and relative humidity during boll filling stage. The greatest reductions were observed when the stresses were applied at peak boll stage. In 2008, after 48 h stress treatment, the leaf Bt endotoxin expression reduced by 25.9-36.7 and 23.6-40.5% at peak boll stage, but only by 14.9-26.5 and 12.8-24.0% at peak flowering stage for Sikang 1 and Sikang 3, respectively. The greatest reduction was found under the low temperature combined with low relative humidity condition for both years. It is believed that the temperature and relative humidity stresses may be attributed to t
CHENYuanWEN Yu-jinCHEN YuanJohn Tom CothrenZHANG XiangWANG Yong-huiWilliamA PayneCHEN De-hua
采用盆栽试验,以郑单958为供试材料,研究铅胁迫对玉米成熟期子粒胚乳中淀粉粒度分布及子粒产量、品质性状的影响。以2μm和15μm为界限,将淀粉粒分为小型、中型和大型3类。结果表明,玉米淀粉粒主要由小型淀粉粒构成,占总淀粉粒数目的 96.15%~97.24%。随铅胁迫水平增加,中、小型淀粉粒体积分布对总体积分布贡献率、表面积分布对总表面积分布贡献率呈先降低后升高趋势,大型淀粉粒趋势相反;小型淀粉粒数目分布对总淀粉粒数目贡献率呈先降低后升高趋势,大、中型淀粉粒趋势相反。铅胁迫显著影响夏玉米子粒产量及品质性状,表现为总淀粉含量呈先降低后升高趋势,而生物量积累、产量及其他品质指标变化趋势相反。子粒中铅元素含量随施铅量增加呈线性增加,相关系数R2=0.983 3。土壤中铅含量应控制在284 mg/kg以下。
以转Bt基因抗虫棉品种泗抗3号为材料,采用营养土塑料穴盘育苗的方式育苗移栽,探讨了地膜覆盖对棉花营养土穴盘苗产量及养分吸收的影响。结果表明:采用地膜覆盖技术可显著提高棉花营养土穴盘苗单株成铃数、铃重和籽棉产量,其中单株成铃34.0个、铃重6.26 g,最终籽棉产量达4 270.5 kg/hm2。覆盖地膜促进了穴盘苗对氮、磷、钾的吸收,在盛花后吸收各元素所占比例较大。
Ethylene-inhibiting compound 1-MCP delays leaf senescence in cotton plants under abiotic stress conditions被引量:3
Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) plants produce more ethylene when subjected to abiotic stresses, such as high temperatures and drought, which result in premature leaf senescence, reduced photosynthetic efficiency, and thus decreased yield. This study was conducted to test the hypothesis that the ethylene-inhibiting compound 1-methylcyclopropene (I-MCP) treatment of cotton plants can delay leaf senescence under high temperature, drought, and the aging process in controlled environ- mental conditions. Potted cotton plants were exposed to 1-MCP treatment at the early square stage of development. The protective effect of 1-MCP against membrane damage was found on older compared to younger leaves, indicating 1-MCP could lower the stress level caused by aging. Application of 1-MCP resulted in reduction of lipid peroxidation, membrane leakage, soluble sugar content, and increased chlorophyll content, in contrast to the untreated plants under heat stress, suggesting that 1-MCP treatment of cotton plants may also have the potential to reduce the effect of heat stress in terms of delayed senescence. Application of 1-MCP caused reductions of lipid peroxidation, membrane leakage, and soluble sugar content, together with increases in water use efficiency (WUE), water potential, chlorophyll content, and fluorescence quantum efficiency, compared to the untreated plants under drought, suggesting that 1-MCP treatment of cotton plants may also have the ability to reduce the level of stress under drought conditions. In conclusion, 1-MCP treatment of cotton should have the potential to delay senescence under heat and drought stress, and the aging process. Additionally, 1-MCP is more effective under stress than under non-stress conditions.
CHEN YuanJ T CothrenCHEN De-huaAmir M H IbrahimLeonardo Lombardini
Relationship Between Leaf C/N Ratio and Insecticidal Protein Expression in Bt Cotton as Affected by High Temperature and N Rate被引量:8
Expression of insecticidal protein for transgenic Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) cotton is unstable and related to nitrogen metabolism. The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between leaf carbon nitrogen ratio (C/N) and insecticidal efficacy of two Bt cotton cultivars. C/N ratio and Bt protein content were both measured at peak square period and peak boll period respectively under 5-7 d high temperature and different nitrogen fertilizer rates on the Yangzhou University Farm and the Ludong Cotton Farm, China. All plants were grown in field. The results showed that the C/N ratio enhanced slightly and the Bt protein content remained stable at peak square period, but significant increases for the C/N ratio and decreases markedly for the leaf Bt protein concentration were detected at the peak boll period. The similar patterns at the two growth periods were found for the leaf C/N ratio and Bt protein content by different N fertilizer treatments. When nitrogen rate was from 0 to 600 kg ha-l, the C/N ratio was reduced by 0.017 and 0.006 for Sikang 1 and Sikang 3 at peak square period, compared to the 1.350 to 1.143 reduction for Sikang 1 and Sikang 3 at peak boll period, respectively. Correspondingly, the leaf Bt protein contents were bolstered by 2.6-11.8 and 26.9-36.9% at the two different growth periods, respectively. The results suggested that enhanced C/N ratio by high temperature and nitrogen application may result in the reduction of inseetiocidal efficacy in Bt cotton, especially in peak boll period.
ZHANG XiangLU Chun-huaCHEN YuanWANG Gui-xiaCHEN YuanCHEN De-hua