This paper studies the radiative heat transfer within an inhomogeneous and isot- ropically scattering medium with reflecting Fresnel's surfaces. Thermal radiation transfers in a curve inside a medium with an inhomogeneous distribution of a re- fractive index. The inhomogenous medium is divided into n homogenous isother- mal sub-layers and in each sub-layer the radiation transfers in a straight line. By adopting a multilayer radiative transfer model and using a ray-tracing/nodal- ana- lyzing method, a radiative transfer model is built for the inhomogenous participat- ing medium. In the multilayer model, a criterion for refraction / total reflection at the interfaces between neighboring sub-layers is introduced, avoiding the integral singularity and reflection at physically inexistent interfaces (only the total reflection is considered). Transient thermal behavior is examined when the parameters of the radiative properties such as refractive indexes, extinction coefficients, and sin- gle-scattering albedoes vary continually along the thickness direction.
基于蒙特卡罗光线踪迹法研究了半透明多壳层球形粒子的辐射性质,并通过BHCOAT程序验证其精度。对比光线踪迹法,分析了有效介质理论(effective medium theory,EMT)的应用范围,并用光线踪迹法计算了多层球形粒子内光谱吸收分布。研究结果表明,蒙特卡罗光线踪迹法适合于计算粒子尺度参数x>30的多层球形粒子辐射吸收。层间折射率和消光系数偏差较小时,有效介质理论结合Mie理论可用来近似估算多层粒子的辐射特性。当层间光学常数偏差较大时,特别是对于精度要求较高的情况,EMT-Mie理论不再适用。层间光学常数不同导致光谱辐射吸收分布显著不均匀。
The equation describing the transfer of radiant energy in semitransparent media is radiative transfer equation. In three-dimensional semitransparent media, radiative intensity is a function of 7 dimensions, which can only be solved through the numerical method in most circumstances. Numerical simulation has become an important way in the study and application of the theory of thermal radiative transfer in semitransparent media. This paper reviews the recent progress of Chinese scholars in the field of computational thermal radiative transfer, and proposes some important subjects in this field for future study.
TAN HePingLIU LinHuaYI HongLiangZHAO JunMingQI HongTAN JianYu