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作品数:3 被引量:49H指数:3


  • 3篇中文期刊文章


  • 2篇生物学
  • 2篇农业科学


  • 1篇抑制植物
  • 1篇真菌
  • 1篇植物
  • 1篇介导
  • 1篇寄生
  • 1篇寄生植物
  • 1篇分枝
  • 1篇PLANT
  • 1篇THE_IN...
  • 1篇AMONG
  • 1篇MEDIAT...
  • 1篇SHOOT
  • 1篇STRIGO...
  • 1篇RICE
  • 1篇CYTOKI...
  • 1篇STRIGO...
  • 1篇OUTGRO...
  • 1篇SYMBIO...
  • 1篇AUXIN


  • 1篇中国科学院遗...


  • 1篇陈彩艳
  • 1篇张淑英
  • 1篇邹军煌
  • 1篇朱立煌


  • 1篇中国科学(C...
  • 1篇Journa...
  • 1篇Scienc...


  • 1篇2010
  • 2篇2009
3 条 记 录,以下是 1-3
The Interactions among DWARF10,Auxin and Cytokinin Underlie Lateral Bud Outgrowth in Rice被引量:15
Previous studies have shown that DWARFIO (D10) is a rice ortholog of MAX41RMS1/DAD1, encoding a carotenoid cleavage dioxygenase and functioning in strigolactones/strigolactone-derivatives (SL) biosynthesis. Here we use DIO. RNA interference (RNAi) transgenic plants similar to dlO mutant in phenotypes to investigate the interactions among DIO, auxin and cytokinin in regulating rice shoot branching. Auxin levels in node 1 of both decapitated DIO.RNAi and wild type plants decreased significantly, showing that decapitation does reduce endogenous auxin concentration, but decapitation has no clear effects on auxin levels in node 2 of the same plants. This implies that node 1 may be the location where a possible interaction between auxin and DIO gene would be detected. DIO expression in node 1 is inhibited by decapitation, and this inhibition can be restored by exogenous auxin application, indicating that DIO may play an important role in auxin regulation of SL. The decreased expression of most OsPINs in shoot nodes of DIO-RNAi plants may cause a reduced auxin transport capacity. Furthermore, effects of auxin treatment of decapitated plants on the expression of cytokinin biosynthetic genes suggest that DIO promotes cytokinin biosynthesis by reducing auxin levels. Besides, in DIO-RNAi plants, decreased storage cytokinin levels in the shoot node may partly account for the increased active cytokinin contents, resulting in more tillering phenotypes.
Shuying ZhangGang LiJun FangWeiqi ChenHaipai JiangJunhuang ZouXue LiuXianfeng ZhaoXiaobing LiChengcai ChuQi XieXiangning JiangLihuang Zhu
Strigolactones are a new-defined class of plant hormones which inhibit shoot branching and mediate the interaction of plant-AM fungi and plant-parasitic weeds被引量:13
Because plants are sessile organisms,the ability to adapt to a wide range of environmental conditions is critical for their survival.As a consequence,plants use hormones to regulate growth,mitigate biotic and abiotic stresses,and to communicate with other organisms.Many plant hormones function plei-otropically in vivo,and often work in tandem with other hormones that are chemically distinct.A newly-defined class of plant hormones,the strigolactones,cooperate with auxins and cytokinins to control shoot branching and the outgrowth of lateral buds.Strigolactones were originally identified as compounds that stimulated the germination of parasitic plant seeds,and were also demonstrated to induce hyphal branching in arbuscular mycorrhizal(AM) fungi.AM fungi form symbioses with higher plant roots and mainly facilitate the absorption of phosphate from the soil.Conforming to the classical definition of a plant hormone,strigolactones are produced in the roots and translocated to the shoots where they inhibit shoot outgrowth and branching.The biosynthesis of this class of compounds is regulated by soil nutrient availability,i.e.the plant will increase its production of strigolactones when the soil phosphate concentration is limited,and decrease production when phosphates are in ample supply.Strigolactones that affect plant shoot branching,AM fungal hyphal branching,and seed germination in parasitic plants facilitate chemical synthesis of similar compounds to control these and other biological processes by exogenous application.
植物激素在植物生长发育中起着重要的调控作用;一种激素往往调控多个生理过程,而植物的某一生理过程则受制于多种激素的协同作用.独角金内酯(strigolactones)是新近发现的一种植物激素或其前体,能够抑制植物的分枝和侧芽的生长,与生长素和细胞分裂素一起调控植物的分枝数量.独角金内酯类化合物还能促进可与植物共生的真菌(枞枝真菌,Arbucular Mycorrhizal Fungi)的菌丝分枝生长以促进共生关系的建立,而枞枝真菌则可帮助植物吸收土壤中的营养物质特别是无机磷.独角金内酯还能刺激寄生植物如独角金(striga)和列当(orobanche)等的种子的萌发.这种激素在植物的根中合成,它既可以向地上部位输送以调节植物的生长,也可直接释放到土壤中以介导植物与土壤微生物及寄生植物的信号交换.其生物合成还受到植物营养水平的调节,当植物处于磷饥饿状态时,它的合成水平会升高.根据独角金内酯已知的功能,可以预测其广泛的应用前景.