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作品数:6 被引量:304H指数:6


  • 6篇中文期刊文章


  • 6篇天文地球


  • 2篇太古宙
  • 2篇下地壳
  • 2篇CONTIN...
  • 2篇CRUST
  • 1篇地壳
  • 1篇地球化
  • 1篇地球化学
  • 1篇地球化学特征
  • 1篇造山带
  • 1篇山带
  • 1篇秦岭-大别造...
  • 1篇锆石
  • 1篇锆石U-PB...
  • 1篇麻粒
  • 1篇麻粒岩
  • 1篇化学特征
  • 1篇OROGEN...
  • 1篇SHRIMP
  • 1篇SOUTH_...
  • 1篇STRUCT...


  • 3篇中国地质大学
  • 1篇西北大学


  • 3篇高山
  • 1篇凌文黎
  • 1篇刘勇胜
  • 1篇张本仁
  • 1篇金振民


  • 2篇中国科学(D...
  • 2篇Scienc...
  • 1篇地质地球化学
  • 1篇Scienc...


  • 2篇2001
  • 4篇1999
6 条 记 录,以下是 1-6
提供了秦岭 大别造山带下地壳拆沉作用的地质、地球物理、地球化学证据 ,建立了下地壳拆沉作用的化学地球动力学模型 .综合研究表明 ,大别 苏鲁地区的榴辉岩是最可能被拆沉的物质 ,现今秦岭 大别地区地壳较为亏损的Eu ,Sr,Cr,Ni,Co ,V和Ti含量要求被拆沉的榴辉岩质下地壳累计厚度为 37~ 82km .秦岭 大别造山带现今众多地质、地球物理和地球化学特征可较好地用下地壳拆沉作用来解释 .
Structure and composition of the continental crust in East China被引量:14
Crustal structures of nine broad tectonic units in China, except the Tarim craton, are derived from 18 seismic refraction profiles including 12 geoscience transects. Abundances of 63 major, trace and rare earth elements in the upper crust in East China are estimated. The estimates are based on sampling of 11 451 individual rock samples over an area of 950 000 km2, from which 905 large composite samples are prepared and analyzed by 13 methods. The middle, lower and total crust compositions of East China are also estimated from studies of exposed crustal cross sections and granulite xenoliths and by correlation of seismic data with lithologies. All the tectonic units except the Tarim craton and the Qinling orogen show a four-layered crustal structure, consisting of the upper, middle, upper lower, and lowermost crusts. P-wave velocities of the bulk lower crust and total crust are 6.8–7.0 and 6:4–6.5 km/s, respectively. They are slower by 0.2–0.4 km/s than the global averages. The bulk lower crust is suggested to be intermediate with 58% SiO2 in East China. The results contrast with generally accepted global models of mafic lower crusi. The proposed total crust composition in East China is also more evolved than previous estimates and characterized by SiO2=64%, a significant negative Eu anomaly (Eu/Eu* = 0.80), deficits in Sr and transition metals, a near-arc magma La/Nd ratio (3.0), and a calculatedμ(238U/204Pb) value of 5. In addition, it has the following ratios of element pairs exhibiting similar compatibility, which are identical or close to the primitive mantle values: Zr/Hf=37, Nb/Ta=17.5, Ba/Th=87, K/Pb=0.12x104, Rb/Cs=25, Ba/Rb=8.94, Sn/Sm=0.31, Se/Cd=1.64, La/ As=10.3, Ce/Sb=271, Pb/Bi=57, Rb/TI=177, Er/Ag=52, Cu/Au=3.2×104, Sm/Mo=7.5, Nd/W=40, CI/Li=10.8, F/Nd=21.9, and La/B=1.8.
高山骆庭川张本仁张宏飞韩吟文赵志丹KERN Hartmut
The recognizing of ca. 1.95 Ga tectono-thermal eventin Kong-ling nucleus and its significance for the evolution of Yangtze Block, South China被引量:30
Some 1.95 Ga metamorphism of high-grade Ar-chean rocks in Kongling terrain, continental nucleus of Yangtze Block, South China, are recognized by Sm-Nd dating. This event is further confirmed by the ages of single zircon SHRIMP U-Pb and K-Ar analyses of TTG and (or) paragneisses, and intrusions of potassic-granitic batholith in the region. The coincidence in period between the high-grade metamorphism in the Kongling area and the creation of major basement rocks of its neighborhoods of the Yangtze Block around the Kongling Archean nucleus makes it a favorable explanation for their tectonic connections that, in the whole Yangtze Block there was some tectono-thermal event of ca. 2.0-1.8 Ga, which resulted in the formation of unitive Yangtze basement.
LING WenliGAO ShanZHANG BenrenZHOU LianXU Qidong
Lower crustal delamination in the Qinling-Dabie orogenic belt被引量:7
Geological, geophysical and geochemical evidence for lower crustal delamination in the Qinling-Dabie oro-genic belt is presented and a chemical geodynamic model for lower crustal delamination is developed. The synthetic results suggest that eclogite from the Dabie-Sulu ultrahigh pressure metamorphic belt is the most likely candidate as the de-laminated material, and that a cumulative 37-82 km thick eclogitic lower crust is required to have been delaminated in order to explain the relative deficits in Eu, Sr, Cr, Ni, Co, V and Ti in the present total crust composition of the Qin-ling-Dabie orogenic belt. Delamination of the lower crust can well interpret many geological, geophysical and geochemical characteristics of the belt.
崆岭高级变质地体单颗粒锆石SHRIMP U-Pb年代学研究──扬子克拉通>3.2Ga陆壳物质的发现被引量:96
对崆岭高级变质地体主体奥长花岗片麻岩2个样品和不具Eu异常的变碎屑沉积岩 2个样品单颗粒锆石 SHRIMP U-Pb原位(in-situ)定年结果,揭示出奥长花岗岩浆的侵入年龄为 2 947~2 903 Ma在变沉积岩中发现了年龄为 3.3 Ga的碎屑锆石,直接证明扬子克拉通曾存在古太古代陆壳物质.不具Eu异常变碎屑沉积岩的亏损地慢Nd模式年龄(TDM= 3.2-3.3 Ga)进一步证明了这一点.
高山umin Qiu凌文黎Neal J.McNaughtonDavid I.Groves
华北克拉通麻粒岩的SiO2 含量分布具有明显的双峰式分布特征 ,两个峰值区间分别为 4 0 %~ 57% (峰值为 51 % )和 57%~ 78% (峰值为 67% ) ,但Mg#较集中 ,主体分布范围为 4 0 %~ 52 % ,Mg#和SiO2 之间的相关性较差。各类麻粒岩地球化学组成具有强烈的U、Th亏损和不同程度的Ba、Sr富集特征。另外 ,中、酸性麻粒岩Nb、Ta强烈亏损并发生明显的分异作用 ,Nb/Ta平均比值高达 3 1 .71~ 3 6.56,基性麻粒岩则表现出Rb亏损而Ta富集的特征 ,Nb/Ta平均比值仅为 1 7.2 0。各类麻粒岩的Eu/Eu (Tb) 与Mg#无关 ,主体大于 1。与世界范围内的同类太古宙麻粒岩相比 ,华北克拉通麻粒岩产热元素U、Th平均含量远远低于世界平均值 ,稀土元素平均含量普遍较低 ,但具有较高的Sm/Nd比值 ,而且酸性麻粒岩的SiO2