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  • 11篇中文期刊文章


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  • 9篇一般工业技术
  • 2篇电气工程
  • 1篇化学工程


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  • 4篇电化学性能
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  • 2篇阳极
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  • 2篇GA
  • 2篇HG
  • 2篇MN
  • 1篇电化学测试
  • 1篇正交
  • 1篇正交试验
  • 1篇退火
  • 1篇退火温度
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11 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
Effect of indium addition on corrosion of AP65 magnesium alloy
The effect of indium addition on the corrosion behavior of AP65 Mg alloy was examined. The indium modified AP65 exhibits accelerated pitting corrosion and overall corrosion, but there is almost no incubation period at the onset of corrosion. Polarization curve measurements indicate that the indium modified AP65 has more negative corrosion potential, which is an improvement aspect of the electrochemical activation. The corrosion current density increases from 0.126 to 0.868 mA/cm2 with and without 2.0% (mass fraction) indium addition. The mean potentials of AP65 negatively shift from -1.491 V to -1.584 V by adding 2.0% indium. The effect of indium addition on the corrosion performance of AP65 seems to be associated with the decrease of cathode-to-anode area ratio of the alloy, which may change the electrochemical anode and cathode polarization behavior of the alloy.
对镁合金热轧板材在不同温度进行退火处理,采用恒电流扫描法、动电位极化扫描法和浸泡法研究不同退火温度对其在3.5%(质量分数)NaCl中的电化学性能和自腐蚀性能的影响;采用光学显微镜、扫描电镜和X射线衍射仪对其显微组织和腐蚀形貌进行观察。结果表明:镁合金阳极板材在退火过程中发生静态再结晶,经250℃、300℃退火1 h,合金板材发生完全再结晶;经300℃退火1 h后,镁合金阳极板材的电化学活性最好,放电稳定电位达1.654 V(vs SCE),但其耐蚀性能最差,腐蚀电流密度为180.38μA/cm2。
Research progress of magnesium anodes and their applications in chemical power sources被引量:11
Magnesium is a promising metal used as anodes for chemical power sources. This metal could theoretically provide negative discharge potential and exhibit large capacity during the discharge process. However, when the magnesium anode is adopted for practical applications, several issues, such as the discharge products adhered to the electrode surface, the self-discharge occurring on the anode material, and the detachment of metallic particles, adversely affect its inherently good discharge performance. In this work, the types of chemical power sources using magnesium as anodes were elaborated, and the approaches to enhance its anode performance were analyzed.
通过正交试验法研究Mg,Sn和Hg元素对铝合金阳极电化学性能的影响,采用恒电流扫描法、动电位极化法和排水析氢法检测Al-Mg-Sn-Hg阳极的电化学性能和腐蚀性能,采用环境扫描电镜结合能谱分析研究Al-Mg-Sn-Hg阳极的表面形貌和显微组织。结果表明:Sn和Hg的加入使得一部分Mg与2种元素形成第二相,成为80℃、大电流密度下铝阳极活化的主要因素,并能很好地抑制析氢;另一部分Mg固溶在Al中,成为铝阳极保持活化状态的重要原因;得到了综合性能优良的Al-Mg-Sn-Hg铝合金阳极材料,它在电流密度为650 mA/cm2、80℃、4.5%的NaOH溶液中稳定电位为-1.707 V,析氢速率为0.38 mL/(cm2.min)。
Effects of Hg and Ga on microstructures and electrochemical corrosion behaviors of Mg anode alloys被引量:1
The effects of Hg and Ga on the electrochemical corrosion behaviors of the Mg-2%Hg, Mg-2%Ga and Mg-2%Hg-2%Ga (mass fraction) alloys were investigated by measurements of polarization curves, galvanostatic tests and measurements of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffractometry and energy dispersive spectrometry were employed to characterize the microstructures and the corroded surface of the above alloys. The results demonstrate that the microstructure of the Mg-2%Ga alloy is solid solution and the Mg-2%Hg and Mg-2%Hg-2%Ga alloys have white second-phases at the grain boundaries. The Mg-2%Ga alloy has the worst electrochemical activity and the best corrosion resistance, showing a mean potential of -1.48 V and a corrosion current density of 0.15 mA/cm2. The Mg-2%Hg-2%Ga alloy has the best electrochemical activity and the worst corrosion resistance, showing a mean potential of -1.848 V and a corrosion current density of 2.136 mA/cm2. The activation mechanism of the Mg-Hg-Ga alloy is dissolution-deposition of the Hg and Ga atoms.
Influence of Al-Mn master alloys on microstructures and electrochemical properties of Mg-Al-Pb-Mn alloys被引量:2
Mg-Al-Pb alloy is one of the newly developed materials for the seawater activated batteries. As-cast Mg-6Al-5Pb and Mg-6Al-5Pb-0.5Mn alloys with different additions of Al-15%Mn (mass fraction), Al-30%Mn and Al-50%Mn master alloys were prepared by melting and casting. Their microstructures were observed by optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The electrochemical properties, hydrogen evolution and mass loss of Mg-6Al-5Pb-0.5Mn alloys were studied. The results show that Mg-6Al-5Pb-0.5Mn alloy added with Al-50%Mn master alloy provides more negative corrosion average potential (-1.66 V), smaller corrosion current density (7 μm/cm2) and lower free corrosion rate (0.51 mg·cm-2·h-1) than other alloys. This is probably attributed to the presence of Al11Mn4 phase, which facilitates the self-peeling of corrosion products and enlarges the electrochemical reaction area as well as enhances the electrochemical activity.
Influence of Ga and In on microstructure and electrochemical properties of Mg anodes被引量:4
The influence of Ga and In on the electrochemical properties of Mg anode materials were investigated by the polarization and galvanostatic curve tests. The microstructure and the corroded surface of the Mg-In-Ga alloys were observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The corrosion product of the Mg-0.8%In (mass fraction) and Mg-0.8%Ga-0.3%In alloy were determined by X-ray diffraction. The results show that no second phase exists in the Mg-xIn (x=0-0.8%) allloys. Intergranular compounds containing Ga and In elements occur in the Mg-0.8%In-xGa (x=0-0.8%) alloys. The addition of In into Mg as well as the addition of 0.05%-0.5%Ga into Mg-In alloy promotes the corrosion resistance. The addition of Ga into Mg-In alloys also promotes the electrochemical activity. The Mg-0.8%In-0.8%Ga alloy has the most negative mean potential,-1.682 V, which is more negative than -1.406 V in AZ91D. The corrosion type of the Mg-In-Ga alloys is general corrosion and the corrosion product is Mg(OH)2.
Influence of cerium on microstructures and electrochemical properties of Al-Mg-Sn-Hg anode materials for seawater battery被引量:12
Aluminum is an innovative anode material for seawater battery. But large polarization and low electrochemical activity restrict its application. In this research, A1-Mg-Sn-Hg-Ce anode materials were prepared and the microstructures were investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The electrochemical properties of A1-Mg-Sn-Hg-Ce anode materials were measured by potentiodynamic polarization and potential-time discharge in a 4.5 wt.%NaOH solution at 353 K. The results indicated that the increasing content of cerium addition refined the grain structure of A1-Mg-Sn-Hg alloy and promoted the uniform distribution of Sn and Hg elements in A1 matrix. The morphology of second phases changed from disperse granular to intergranulate strip with the increasing content of cerium addition in AI-Mg-Sn-Hg alloy. During the half-cell tests at a 650 mA/cm3 current density, the discharge activity of AI-Mg-Sn-Hg-Ce alloy was improved with the increasing content of cerium addition. The average discharge potential of AI-Mg-Sn-Hg-0.3 wt.%Ce alloy was -1.721 V (vs. SCE), which was more negative than -1.406 V (vs. SCE) in AZglD. The best corrosion resistance occurred in A1-Mg-Sn-Hg-0.05 wt.%Ce alloy with the corrosion current density, 18.84± 2.21 mA/cm2. The corrosion behaviours of A1-Mg-Sn-Hg-Ce alloys were also analyzed.