基于类型理论的安全协议验证技术是近年来新出现的技术途径之一。本文在对基于类型理论的安全协议验证技术及其研究现状进行简要介绍后,主要分析了由A. D. Gordon建立的、用于对协议的认证性进行验证的类型系统,借助其与信念逻辑方法在证明过程中的某些相似性,对其中的主要思想进行了分析讨论。本文最后还指出了基于类型理论的安全协议验证技术研究中一些有待深入的问题。
Security protocols use cryptography system to complete the tasks of principal identity authentication andseccion key distribution. The correctness of security protocols is of vital importance to ensure the security of the Inter-net application. Formal methods have been proved to be a valid approach to analyze and verify security protocols. Thispaper briefly introduces the three main styles in the field of security protocol analysis and their representative work.After that,it points out the future deveopment direction.