Conventional ball bearing reaction wheel used to control the attitude of spacecraft can't absorb the centrifugal force caused by imbalance of the wheel rotor,and there will be a torque spike at zero speed,which seriously influences the accuracy and stability of spacecraft attitude control.Compared with traditional ball-bearing wheel,noncontact and no lubrication are the remarkable features of the magnetic bearing reaction wheel,and which can solve the high precision problems of wheel.In general,two radial magnetic bearings are needed in magnetic bearing wheel,and the design results in a relatively large axial dimension and smaller momentum-to-mass ratios.In this paper,a new type of magnetic bearing reaction wheel(MBRW) is introduced for satellite attitude control,and a novel integrated radial hybrid magnetic bearing(RHMB) with permanent magnet bias is designed to reduce the mass and minimize the size of the MBRW,etc.The equivalent magnetic circuit model for the RHMB is presented and a solution is found.The stiffness model is also presented,including current stiffness,position negative stiffness,as well as tilting current stiffness,tilting angular position negative stiffness,force and moment equilibrium equations.The design parameters of the RHMB are given according to the requirement of the MBRW with angular momentum of 30 N ? m ? s when the rotation speed of rotor reaches to 5 kr/min.The nonlinearity of the RHMB is shown by using the characteristic curves of force-control current-position,current stiffness,position stiffness,moment-control current-angular displacement,tilting current stiffness and tilting angular position stiffness considering all the rotor position within the clearance space and the control current.The proposed research ensures the performance of the radial magnetic bearing with permanent magnet bias,and provides theory basis for design of the magnetic bearing wheel.
双框架磁悬浮控制力矩陀螺(Double gimbal magnetically suspended control moment gyroscope,DGMSCMG)是由磁悬浮高速转子系统与内框架、外框架速率伺服系统构成的航天器新型姿控执行机构。由于非线性及三个子系统间的强耦合,框架转动时磁悬浮转子位移急剧增大影响稳定性,同时框架系统的响应速度显著下降,称之为动框架效应。该效应严重影响了DGMSCMG的功能,必须加以抑制。建立DGMSCMG的动力学模型,分析三个子系统间的动力学耦合机理,提出一种基于复合控制的补偿方法,引入针对陀螺项的反馈和针对框架角速率给定的前馈消除磁悬浮转子附加位移,提高框架系统响应速度,并对补偿后系统做全局稳定性分析。仿真和试验结果表明,该方法能在保证系统稳定性的前提下有效抑制动框架效应,满足DGMSCMG的功能要求。
The existing research of the integrated power and attitude control system(IPACS) in satellites mainly focuses on the IPACS concept,which aims at solving the coupled problem between the attitude control and power tracking.In the IPACS,the configuration design of IPACS is usually not considered,and the coupled problem between two flywheels during the attitude control and energy storage has not been resolved.In this paper,an integrated power and single axis attitude control system using two counter rotating magnetically suspended flywheels mounted to an air table is designed.The control method of power and attitude control using flywheel is investigated and the coupling problem between energy storage and attitude control is resolved.A computer simulation of an integrated power and single axis attitude control system with two flywheels is performed,which consists of two counter rotating magnetically suspended flywheels mounted to an air rotary table.Both DC bus and a single axis attitude are the regulation goals.An attitude & DC bus coordinator is put forward to separate DC bus regulation and attitude control problems.The simulation results of DC bus regulation and attitude control are presented respectively with a DC bus regulator and a simple PD attitude controller.The simulation results demonstrate that it is possible to integrate power and attitude control simultaneously for satellite using flywheels.The proposed research provides theory basis for design of the IPACS.