Using thermal entangled state representation,we solve the master equation of a diffusive anharmonic oscillator(AHO) to obtain the exact time evolution formula for the density operator in the infinitive operator-sum representation.We present a new evolution formula of the Wigner function(WF) for any initial state of the diffusive AHO by converting the WF calculation into an overlap between two pure states in an enlarged Fock space.It is found that this formula is very convenient in investigating the WF's evolution of any known initial state.As applications,this formula is used to obtain the evolution of the WF for a coherent state and the evolution of the photon-number distribution of diffusive AHOs.
By virtue of the canonical quantization method, we present a quantization scheme for a charge qubit based on the superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID), taking the self-inductance of the loop into account. Under reasonable short-time approximation, we study the effect of decoherence in the ohmic case by employing the response function and the norm. It is confirmed that the decoherence time, which depends on the parameters of the circuit components, the coupling strength, and the temperature, can be as low as several picoseconds, so there is enough time to record the information.
By employing the continuous parameter entangled state representations, we investigate the energy level and the wave function for a capacitively and mutual-inductively coupled LC mesoscopic circuit. It is found that investigating the meso- scopic circuit in such representations can bring us the following conveniences. Firstly, the dynamical equation is naturally transformed into a single-variable differential equation. Second/y, the center-of-mass kinetic energy is included in the energy level of the system. Thus it is instructive to introduce the entangled state representation into the investigation of mesoscopic circuits.
By extending the usual Weyl transformation to the s-parameterized Weyl transformation with s being a real parameter,we obtain the s-parameterized quantization scheme which includes P–Q quantization, Q–P quantization, and Weyl ordering as its three special cases. Some operator identities can be derived directly by virtue of the s-parameterized quantization scheme.