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9 条 记 录,以下是 1-9
Studies of the unsteady supersonic base flows around three afterbodies被引量:12
Unsteady supersonic base flows around three afterbodies, cylindrical (Cy), boattailed (BT) and three-step (MS), are investigated in this paper. Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) and two RANS/LES (large-eddy simulation) hybrid methods, detached eddy simulation (DES) and delayed-DES (DDES), are used to predict the base flow characteristics around the baseline Cy afterbody. All the RANS and hybrid methods are based on the two-equation SST (shear-stress transport) model with compressible corrections (CC). According to the comparison of measurements, both DES and DDES can produce more satisfactory results than RANS. RANS can only present the "stable" flow pat- terns, while the hybrid methods can demonstrate unsteady flow structures. DDES and DES results are little different from one another although the latter exhibits better agreement with the experiment. DES is taken to investigate the 5° BT and three-step afterbodies. The mean flow data and the instantaneous turbulent coherent structures are compared against available measurements.
Zhixiang Xiao Song Fu School of Aerospace Engineering,Tsinghua University, 100084 Beijing, China
Prediction of separation flows around a 6:1 prolate spheroid using RANS/LES hybrid approaches被引量:11
This paper presents hybrid Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) and large-eddy-simulation (LES) methods for the separated flows at high angles of attack around a 6:1 prolate spheroid. The RANS/LES hybrid meth- ods studied in this work include the detached eddy simulation (DES) based on Spalart-Allmaras (S-A), Menter's k-ω shear-stress-transport (SST) and k-o9 with weakly nonlinear eddy viscosity formulation (Wilcox-Durbin+, WD+) models and the zonalANS/LES methods based on the SST and WD+ models. The switch from RANS near the wall to LES in the core flow region is smooth through the implementation of a flow-dependent blending function for the zonal hybrid method. All the hybrid methods are designed to have a RANS mode for the attached flows and have a LES behavior for the separated flows. The main objective of this paper is to apply the hybrid methods for the high Reynolds number separated flows around prolate spheroid at high-incidences. A fourth-order central scheme with fourth-order artificial viscosity is applied for spatial differencing. The fully implicit lower-upper symmetric-Gauss-Seidel with pseudo time sub-iteration is taken as the temporal differentiation. Comparisons with available measurements are carried out for pressure distribution, skin friction, and profiles of velocity, etc. Reasonable agreement with the experiments, accounting for the effect on grids and fundamental turbulence models, is obtained for the separation flows.
Zhixiang Xiao Yufei Zhang Jingbo Huang Haixin Chen Song Fu School of Aerospace Engineering,Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084,China
Modelling flow transition in a hypersonic boundary layer with Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes approach被引量:22
Based on Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes approach,a laminar-turbulence transition model is proposed in this study that takes into account the effects of different instability modes associated with the variations in Mach numbers of compressible boundary layer flows.The model is based on k-ω-γ three-equation eddy-viscosity concept with k representing the fluctuating kinetic energy,ωthe specific dissipation rate and the intermittency factorγ.The particular features of the model are that:1)k includes the non-turbulent,as well as turbulent fluctuations;2)a transport equation for the intermittency factorγis proposed here with a source term set to trigger the transition onset;3)through the introduction of a new length scale normal to wall,the present model employs the local variables only avoiding the use of the integral parameters,like the boundary layer thicknessδ,which are often cost-ineffective with the modern CFD(Computational Fluid Dynamics)methods;4)in the fully turbulent region,the model retreats to the well-known k-ωSST(Shear Stress Transport)model.This model is validated with a number of available experiments on boundary layer transitions including the incompressible,supersonic and hypersonic flows past flat plates,straight/flared cones at zero incidences,etc.It is demonstrated that the present model can be successfully applied to the engineering calculations of a variety of aerodynamic flow transition.
WANG LiangFU Song
Modelling of pressure-strain correlation in compressible turbulent flow被引量:4
Previous studies carried out in the early 1990s conjectured that the main compressible effects could be associated with the dilatational effects of velocity fluctuation. Later, it was shown that the main compressibility effect came from the reduced pressure-strain term due to reduced pressure fluctuations. Although better understanding of the compressible turbulence is generally achieved with the increased DNS and experimental research effort, there are still some discrepancies among these recent findings. Analysis of the DNS and experimental data suggests that some of the discrepancies are apparent if the compressible effect is related to the turbulent Mach number, Mt. From the comparison of two classes of compressible flow, homogenous shear flow and inhomogeneous shear flow (mixing layer), we found that the effect of compressibility on both classes of shear flow can be characterized in three categories corresponding to three regions of turbulent Mach numbers: the low-Mr, the moderate-Mr and high-Mr regions. In these three regions the effect of compressibility on the growth rate of the turbulent mixing layer thickness is rather different. A simple approach to the reduced pressure-strain effect may not necessarily reduce the mixing-layer growth rate, and may even cause an increase in the growth rate. The present work develops a new second-moment model for the compressible turbulence through the introduction of some blending functions of Mt to account for the compressibility effects on the flow. The model has been successfully applied to the compressible mixing layers.
Siyuan Huang Song Fu
Research of the rapid pressure-strain correlation model in the rapid distortion limit被引量:2
Even though a number of rapid pressure-strain models have been suggested and successfully tested for different flow situations by various authors,the model proposals still exhibit some apparent deficiencies when subjected to the flows with rapid distortion. From Mansour's relatively straightforward rapid distortion analysis,if an initially anisotropic flow undergoes a purely rapid rotation,the anisotropy measures will exhibit the behavior of the damped oscillations. Within the current framework of modeling the rapid pressure-strain correlation,i.e.,the models based on the assumption that the M-tensor for the rapid pressure-strain term is expand-able in the Reynolds-stress anisotropy tensor alone,all the model predictions fail to give the damped oscillations in the turbulence anisotropy. In the case of initially isotropic turbulence subjected to rapid distortion,Sj?gren and Johansson showed that all the existing rapid pressure-strain models would deliver the identical path in the anisotropy-invariant map for both homogeneous plane strain and shear flows. The rapid distortion analysis shows two distinct curves reflecting different flow physics. In this work,we try to present a possible way to create a system that can overcome these deficiencies with the aid of the rapid distortion theory (RDT).
Analysis of flow structures in supersonic plane mixing layers using the POD method被引量:4
The proper orthogonal decomposition(POD) method was applied to analyzing the database obtained from the direct numerical simulation(DNS) of supersonic plane mixing layers.The effect of different forms of the inner products in the POD method was investigated.It was observed that the mean flow contributes to a predominant part of the total flow energy,and the energy spectrum of the turbulence fluctuations covers a wide range of POD modes.The patterns of leading(high energy) POD modes reveal that the flow structures exhibit spanwise counter rotating rolls,as well as oblique vortices.These flow patterns are insensitive to the velocity of the observer.As the convective Mach number increases,the energy spectrum be-comes wider,the leading POD modes contain more complicated structures,and the flow becomes more chaotic.