Cell poking is an experimental technique that is widely used to study the mechanical properties of plant cells. A full understanding of the mechanical responses of plant cells to poking force Is helpful for experimental work. The aim of this study was to numerically investigate the stress distribution of the cell wall, cell turgor, and deformation of plant cells in response to applied poking force. Furthermore, the locations damaged during poking were analyzed. The model simulates cell poking, with the cell treated as a spherical, homogeneous, isotropic elastic membrane, filled with incompressible, highly viscous liquid. Equilibrium equations for the contact region and the non-contact regions were determined by using membrane theory. The boundary conditions and continuity conditions for the solution of the problem were found. The forcedeformation curve, turgor pressure and tension of the cell wall under cell poking conditions were obtained. The tension of the cell wall circumference was larger than that of the meridian. In general, maximal stress occurred at the equator around. When cell deformation increased to a certain level, the tension at the poker tip exceeded that of the equator. Breakage of the cell wall may start from the equator or the poker tip, depending on the deformation. A nonlinear model is suitable for estimating turgor, stress, and stiffness, and numerical simulation is a powerful method for determining plant cell mechanical properties.
建立了葡萄的非线性力学模型。把葡萄简化成球形的、均匀的、各向同性的和内部充满不可压缩液体的弹性膜。研究了葡萄在压缩载荷作用下的应力分布和变形。利用膜理论建立了接触区域与非接触区域的平衡方程,确定了边界条件与连续条件。利用R unge-K u tta方法,进行数值求解,得到了在压缩载荷作用下葡萄的张力。结果表明:在压缩载荷作用下,葡萄纬线方向的张力大于经线方向的张力,最大拉力发生在赤道平面上,葡萄在压缩载荷作用下的损伤主要是由最大拉应力造成的,该结论与试验观察的结果相一致。
该文以小麦茎为研究对象,建立了有限元计算模型。通过非线性屈曲分析,发现通过改变几何或者物理参数能够模拟出小麦茎不同的失稳形式,其中最明显的影响因素为壁厚和横、纵向弹性模量比。以此为参考,对两个生长期的小麦茎进行四点弯曲试验,研究不同节位茎的抗弯能力,曲率与惯性矩之间的关系和失稳模式。研究表明B raz ier屈曲是小麦茎失稳的主要原因。从开花期到成熟期茎抗弯刚度下降,发生B raz ier屈曲的几率增加。