This paper deals with a novel local arc length estimator for curves in gray-scale images.The method first estimates a cubic spline curve fit for the boundary points using the gray-level information of the nearby pixels,and then computes the sum of the spline segments’lengths.In this model,the second derivatives and y coordinates at the knots are required in the computation;the spline polynomial coefficients need not be computed explicitly.We provide the algorithm pseudo code for estimation and preprocessing,both taking linear time.Implementation shows that the proposed model gains a smaller relative error than other state-of-the-art methods.
This paper develops a novel online algorithm, namely moving average stochastic variational inference (MASVI), which applies the results obtained by previous iterations to smooth out noisy natural gradients. We analyze the convergence property of the proposed algorithm and conduct a set of experiments on two large-scale collections that contain millions of documents. Experimental results indicate that in contrast to algorithms named 'stochastic variational inference' and 'SGRLD', our algorithm achieves a faster convergence rate and better performance.