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7 条 记 录,以下是 1-8
Phylogenetic analyses of four species of Ulva and Monostroma grevillei using ITS, rbcL and 18S rDNA sequence data被引量:4
Chlorophyta species are common in the southern and northern coastal areas of China. In recent years, frequent green tide incidents in Chinese coastal waters have raised concerns and attracted the attention of scientists. In this paper, we sequenced the 18S rDNA genes, the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions and the rbcL genes in seven organisms and obtained 536-566 bp long ITS sequences, 1 377-I 407 bp long rbcL sequences and 1 718-1 761 bp long partial 18S rDNA sequences. The GC base pair content was highest in the ITS regions and lowest in the rbcL genes. The sequencing results showed that the three Ulvaprolifera (or U. pertusa) gene sequences from Qingdao and Nan'ao Island were identical. The ITS, 18S rDNA and rbcL genes in U. prolifera and U. pertusa from different sea areas in China were unchanged by geographic distance. U.flexuosa had the least evolutionary distance from U. californica in both the ITS regions (0.009) and the 18S rDNA (0.002). These data verified that Ulva and Enteromorpha are not separate genera.
Microscopic Observation of Pyrenoids in Order Ulvales(Chlorophyta) Collected from Qingdao Coast被引量:1
Pyrenoids found in green algae Order Ulvales have taxonomical significance.Their morphology,microstructure,and the location and number in the cells have been widely used as identification criteria. As these traits can be affected by environmental conditions,it is necessary to look for other different characteristics.Here pyrenoids in several algae species collected along the Qingdao coast were studied for such purpose. The morphology and distribution of pyrenoids in the cells,as well as their change in different parts of the frond and at different times were studied with light microscope.The results are as follows.Pyrenoids appeared to be spherical or oval in observed Ulvales'algae cells.They were embedded in chloroplasts with the number of 1-3 per cell on average.The number of pyrenoids for Ulva pertusa could change drastically with continuing culture and could reach up to 10-20 per cell in late-growth stages.Generally, the pyrenoids in the marginal part were more observable than those in the central part for Ulva pertusa. In addition, the basal part of frond had more distinct pyrenoids with an average diameter of 2.42 μm for Enteromorpha linza. For some species the pyrenoids were difficult to be observed while dark treatment made them more distinguishable.The apoptosis rate of pyrenoids in different species varied under continuing dark treatment, which could be used to identify different species. Pyrenoids disappeared faster in E. linza than those in E.intestinalis.
TENG LinhongDING LanpingLU Qinqin
The possibility analysis of habitats,origin and reappearance of bloom green alga(Enteromorpha prolifera) on inshore of western Yellow Sea被引量:12
Combining some information from field investigation of algae along the coastal areas in China and a few pictures materialized from the western Yellow Sea in 2008,authors analyze the necessary conditions and possible water area in China producing a large biomass,some reasons for firestorm,and the possibility of the reappearance of marine bloom green alga Enteromorpha prolifera.The change of habitats and the increase of nutritional levels related to the water area could be considered as direct reasons.It was transferred northward by the combination of the flow of rainwater,wind and alongshore marine current.The original region of large biomass produced is possibly located in the southwestern Yellow sea.It will possibly be appearing again in the coming years or in the future.A summary is also given referring to its reproduction,development and distribution worldwide.
A new record from China of epiphytic marine algae,Acrochaete leptochaete(Chaetophoraceae,Chlorophyta)with its primary experimental biology被引量:1
Acrochaete leptochaete, a species in Chaetophoraceae (Chlorophyta), was observed during our recent laboratory culture of the macroalgae Chaetornorpha that was originally collected from an intertidal pool in Rongcheng, Shandong Province, China. This is the first record of this species in China. Its morphology, taxonomy, and distribution were introduced and discussed in detail. Isolated culture experiments at different temperatures (9-29℃) and light intensities (36-108 μmol/m^2.s) were also carried out. The culture-based observations have extended our knowledge of growth morphology and general biology of the species.
石莼目几种绿藻的ITS区和5.8S rDNA的序列及系统发育分析被引量:6
The Morphological Comparison and Characteristics Variation of Two Green Algae,Enteromorpha prolifera and E.clathrata from the Yellow Sea
<正>The common green seaweeds Enteromorpha presents extensive morphological plasticity and contain numerous va...
Linhong Teng 1,2,Qinqin Lu 3,Rixiao Luan 1,4,Lanping Ding 1*(1.Institute of Oceanology,Chinese Academy of Science,Qingdao 266071,China