Background: Monitoring forest health and biomass for changes over time in the global environment requires the provision of continuous satellite images. However, optical images of land surfaces are generally contaminated when clouds are present or rain occurs.Methods: To estimate the actual reflectance of land surfaces masked by clouds and potential rain, 3D simulations by the RAPID radiative transfer model were proposed and conducted on a forest farm dominated by birch and larch in Genhe City, Da Xing’An Ling Mountain in Inner Mongolia, China. The canopy height model(CHM) from lidar data were used to extract individual tree structures(location, height, crown width). Field measurements related tree height to diameter of breast height(DBH), lowest branch height and leaf area index(LAI). Series of Landsat images were used to classify tree species and land cover. MODIS LAI products were used to estimate the LAI of individual trees. Combining all these input variables to drive RAPID, high-resolution optical remote sensing images were simulated and validated with available satellite images.Results: Evaluations on spatial texture, spectral values and directional reflectance were conducted to show comparable results.Conclusions: The study provides a proof-of-concept approach to link lidar and MODIS data in the parameterization of RAPID models for high temporal and spatial resolutions of image reconstruction in forest dominated areas.
基于Web of science数据库检索平台,应用科学引文分析方法对检索到的1355篇2000年以来激光雷达技术在林学上的应用的文章进行了全面分析,主要涉及发表年份、国家分布、作者排行、期刊分布、作者单位分布、提取参数等,对该领域所涉及到的主要国际国内会议进行了总结。分析了激光雷达的主要传感器类型和2种数据结构(波形和点云),系统总结了主要森林参数的提取方法,包括波形分析、点云分析、参数预测和数据融合。分析认为:激光雷达技术的林学应用研究的深度和广度均呈现快速上升趋势,研究方法渐成体系,有系统化的国际会议;但研究水平的地域差异较大,参数提取的机理性、实用性不足,尚未达到成熟,还有很大的提升空间。最后,从理论、应用及组织3个方面提出了建议。