采用全根挖掘法挖取塔克拉玛干沙漠南缘3种主要防护林植物种——多枝柽柳(Tamarix ramosissima)、梭梭(Haloxylon ammodendron)和新疆杨(Populus alba var.pyramidalis)成年植株根系,测定并分析了根系构型及其拓扑结构。结果表明:1)多枝柽柳和梭梭的根系趋向于鱼尾状分支结构,新疆杨根系为叉状分支结构,根系分支结构的差异使其资源获取能力和对环境的适应能力有所差异;2)三种植物最小的根系平均连接长度为33.67 cm,多枝柽柳和梭梭的根系连接长度大于新疆杨,增加连接长度对植物在资源贫瘠的沙质土壤环境的生存有利;3)新疆杨的根系分支率显著高于多枝柽柳和梭梭,但其对干旱的适应性不如多枝柽柳和梭梭。4)三种植物根系分支均遵循Leonardo da Vinci法则,且不受根系直径的约束。三种防护林植物在水、养资源获取与土壤空间拓展方面具有差异性,表明在相似的极端干旱环境中3种植物采取了不同的生态适应策略。
The effect of variation in water supply on woody seedling growth in arid environments remain poorly known.The subshrub Alhagi sparsifolia Shap.(Leguminosae),distributed in the southern fringe of the Taklimakan Desert,Xinjiang,northwestern China,has evolved deep roots and is exclusively dependent on groundwater,and performs a crucial role for the local ecological safety.In the Cele oasis,we studied the responses of A.sparsifolia seedling roots to water supplement at 10 and 14 weeks under three irrigation treatments (none water supply of 0 m3/m2 (NW),middle water supply of 0.1 m3/m2 (MW),and high water supply of 0.2 m3/m2 (HW)).The results showed that the variations of soil water content (SWC) significantly influenced the root growth of A.sparsifolia seedlings.The leaf area,basal diameter and crown diameter were significantly higher in the HW treatment than in the other treatments.The biomass,root surface area (RSA),root depth and relative growth rate (RGR) of A.sparsifolia roots were all significantly higher in the NW treatment than in the HW and MW treatments at 10 weeks.However,these root parameters were significantly lower in the NW treatment than in the other treatments at 14 weeks.When SWC continued to decline as the experiment went on (until less than 8% gravimetric SWC),the seedlings still showed drought tolerance through morphological and physiological responses,but root growth suffered serious water stress compared to better water supply treatments.According to our study,keeping a minimum gravimetric SWC of 8% might be important for the growth and establishment of A.sparsifolia during the early growth stage.These results will not only enrich our knowledge of the responses of woody seedlings to various water availabilities,but also provide a new insight to successfully establish and manage A.sparsifolia in arid environments,further supporting the sustainable development of oases.
Alhagi sparsifolia Shap. (Fabaceae) is a spiny, perennial herb. The species grows in the salinized, arid regions in North China. This study investigated the response characteristics of the root growth and the dis- tribution of one-year-old A. sparsifolia seedlings to different groundwater depths in controlled plots. The eco- logical adaptability of the root systems of A. sparsifolia seedlings was examined using the artificial digging method. Results showed that: (1) A. sparsifolia seedlings adapted to an increase in groundwater depth mainly through increasing the penetration depth and growth rate of vertical roots. The vertical roots grew rapidly when soil moisture content reached 3%-9%, but slowly when soil moisture content was 13%-20%. The vertical roots stopped growing when soil moisture content reached 30% (the critical soil moisture point). (2) The morphological plasticity of roots is an important strategy used by A. sparsifolia seedlings to obtain water and adapt to dry soil conditions. When the groundwater table was shallow, horizontal roots quickly expanded and tillering increased in order to compete for light resources, whereas when the groundwater table was deeper, vertical roots developed quickly to exploit space in the deeper soil layers. (3) The decrease in groundwater depth was probably respon- sible for the root distribution in the shallow soil layers. Root biomass and surface area both decreased with soil depth. One strategy of A. sparsifolia seedlings in dealing with the increase in groundwater depth is to increase root biomass in the deep soil layers. The relationship between the root growth/distribution of A. sparsifolia and the depth of groundwater table can be used as guidance for harvesting A. sparsifolia biomass and managing water resources for forage grasses. It is also of ecological significance as it reveals how desert plants adapt to arid environments.