<正>The purpoea of this study was to characterize size distributions of 16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PA...
HUANG Hongli~(a,c) FAN Shu-xian~(a,b) TANG Lili~c YANG Xuezhen~c LI Hongshuang~c (a Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Meteorological Disaster(Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology) Nanjing 210044,P.R.China
Data collected in the surface layer in a northern suburban area of Nanjing from 15 November to 29 December 2007 were analyzed to examine the MoninObukhov similarity for describing the turbulent fluctu ations of 3D winds under all stability conditions and to obtain the turbulence characteristics under different weather conditions. The results show that the dimensionless standard deviations of turbulent velocity com ponents (σ u /u* , σ v /u* , σ w /u * ) and dimensionless turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) can be well described by "1/3" power law relationships under stable, neutral, and unstable conditions, with σ u /u * σ v /u * σ w /u* . Land use and land cover changes mainly impact dimensionless standard deviations of horizontal component fluctuations, but they have very little on those of the vertical component. The dimensionless standard devi ations of wind components and dimensionless TKE are remarkably affected by different weather conditions; the deviations of horizontal wind component and dimensionless TKE present fog day clear sky overcast cloudy; the trend of the vertical wind component is the reverse. The surface drag coefficient at a Nan jing suburban measurement site during the observation period was obviously higher than at other reported plains and plateau areas, and was approximately one order larger in magnitude than the reported plains areas. Dimensionless standard deviation of temperature declined with increasing |z /L| with an approximate "1/3" slope in unstable stratification and "2/3" slope in stable stratification.
The microphysical properties of a long-lasting heavy fog event are examined based on the results from a comprehensive field campaign conducted during the winter of 2006 at Pancheng (32.2°N, 118.7°E), Jiangsu Province, China. It is demonstrated that the key microphysical properties (liquid water content, fog droplet concentration, mean radius and standard deviation) exhibited positive correlations with one another in general, and that the 5-min-average maximum value of fog liquid water content was sometimes greater than 0.5 g m-3. Further analysis shows that the unique combination of positive correlations likely arose from the simultaneous supply of moist air and fog condensation nuclei associated with the advection of warm air, which further led to high liquid water content. High values of liquid water content and droplet concentration conspired to cause low visibility (〈50 m) for a prolonged period of about 40 h. Examination of the microphysical relationships conditioned by the corresponding autoconversion threshold functions shows that the collision-coalescence process was sometimes likely to occur, weakening the positive correlations induced by droplet activation and condensational growth. Statistical analysis shows that the observed droplet size distribution can be described well by the Gamma distribution.