Despite the significant improvement on spatial resolution, NanoSIMS still preserves relatively high mass resolution, sensitivity, and analytical precision. It has become an important analytical platform to determine chemical compositions of solid materials, and has been widely used in space, earth, life, and materials sciences, etc. By using a Cs+ ion beam with a size as small as 50 nm scanning over sample surfaces, we are able to obtain high spatial resolution images of up to 7 species simultaneously. When utilizing Faraday cup, high analytical precision of 0.3‰-0.5‰ (1SD) for C, O and S isotopic analysis can be achieved. Although this precision level is still lower than that of conventional SIMS, it already meets the major requirements of Earth Sciences. In 2011, the first NanoSIMS of China (Cameca NanoSIMS 50L) was installed at Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Based on the working mechanism and analytical modes of the instrument, this paper will systematically introduce the analytical methods established with the NanoSIMS and their potential applications in earth sciences. These methods include trace element distribution images in mineral zoning, high spatial resolution (2-5/am) Pb-Pb and U-Pb dating, water content and H isotopic analysis for silicate glass and apatite, C isotopic analysis for diamond and graphite, O isotopic analysis for carbonate, S isotopic analysis for sulfides. In addition, the specific requirements for sample preparation will also be introduced in order to facilitate domestic earth scientists' use.
YANG WeiHU SenZHANG JianChaoHAO JiaLongLIN YangTing