We have provided optical simulations of the evanescently coupled waveguide photodiodes integrated with a 13- channels AWGs. The photodiode could exhibit high internal efficiency by appropriate choice of layers geometry and refrac- tive index. Aseamless joint structure has been designed and fabricated for integrating the output waveguides of AWGs with the evanescently coupled waveguide photodiode array. The highest simulation quantum efficiency could achieve 92% when the matching layer thickfiess of the PD is 120 nm and the insertion length is 2 μm. The fabricated PD with 320-nm-thick match.ing layer and 2-μm-length insertion matching layer present a responsivity of 0.87 A/W.
A 13-channel, InP-based arrayed waveguide grating (AWG) is designed and fabricated in which the on-chip loss of the central channel is about -5 dB and the crosstalk is less than -23 dB in the center of the spectrum response. However, the central wavelength and channel spacing are deviated from the design values. To improve their accuracy, an optimized design is adopted to compensate the process error. As a result, the central wavelength 1549.9 nm and channel spacing 1.59 nm are obtained in the experiment, while their design values are 1549.32 nm and 1.6 nm, respectively. The route capability and thermo-optic characteristic of the AWG are also discussed in detail.
High-speed avalanche photodiodes are widely used in optical communication systems. Nowadays, separate absorption charge and multiplication structure is widely adopted. In this article, a structure with higher speed than separate absorption charge and multiplication structure is reported. Besides the traditional absorption layer, charge layer and multiplication layer, this structure introduces an additional charge layer and transit layer and thus can be referred to as separate absorption, charge, multiplication, charge and transit structure. The introduction of the new charge layer and transit layer brings additional freedom in device structure design. The benefit of this structure is that the carrier transit time and device capacitance can be reduced independently, thus the 3 dB bandwidth could be improved by more than 50% in contrast to the separate absorption charge and multiplication structure with the same size.