Deep large span cut holes are difficult to stabilize. The 7801 cut hole in the Lu'an Wuyang Mine was used as this project's background. The main factors affecting large span cut hole stability are analyzed. Pre- stressed bolting theory was used to design a roof control method for a large span roadway. By reducing the span and applying equal strength coordinated supports the rock could be stabilized. The control prin- ciples and methods are given herein along with the analysis. A double micro arch cross section roadway is defined and its use in solving the current problem is described. Beam arch theory was used to build a model of the double micro arch cross section roadway. A support reverse force model for the arch foot intersection was also derived. A support method based upon reducing the width of the large span in the cut hole is presented. These results show that the reduced span of the roadway roof plus the use of cable anchors and single supports gives an effective way to control the large span cut hole. On site monitoring showed that the reduced span support from the double micro arch cross section roadway design had a significant effect. The roadway surface displacement was small and harmful deformation of the cut hole was effectively controlled. This will ensure its long term stability.
In the construction of the filling gob-side entry retaining in a lane, we utilize the self-slide natural phenomenon of a falling gangue in an inclined coal seam goaf. First, we put the falling gangue of goal above the laneway and made it the main filling material by adopting the measurement of flexible supporting system combined with those of rigid supporting system. Then we made the filling material gunited and solidified to maintain the filling goal of the gob-side entry retaining beside the lane. Considering the law of energy conservation and law of pressure distribution for retaining the active and Static soil of the wall, we analyzed the reliability of a gangue blocking facilities and the stability of the filling mate- rial in the lane. We analyze the figures to see the stability. The result shows that the gangue block sup- porting system is reliable, and has been successfully practically applied.