In this paper we introduce an appealing nonparametric method for estimating variance and conditional variance functions in generalized linear models (GLMs), when designs are fixed points and random variables respectively, Bias-corrected confidence bands are proposed for the (conditional) variance by local linear smoothers. Nonparametric techniques are developed in deriving the bias-corrected confidence intervals of the (conditional) variance. The asymptotic distribution of the proposed estimator is established and show that the bias-corrected confidence bands asymptotically have the correct coverage properties. A small simulation is performed when unknown regression parameter is estimated by nonparametric quasi-likelihood. The results are also applicable to nonparamctric autoregressive times series model with heteroscedastic conditional variance.
In this paper we study semiparametric estimators of the survival function and the cumulative hazard function based on left truncated and right censored data. Weak representations of the two estimators are derived, which are valid up to a given order statistic of the observations.
A partially linear regression model with heteroscedastic and/or serially correlated errors is studied here. It is well known that in order to apply the semiparametric least squares estimation (SLSE) to make statistical inference a consistent estimator of the asymptotic covariance matrix is needed. The traditional residual-based estimator of the asymptotic covariance matrix is not consistent when the errors are heteroscedastic and/or serially correlated. In this paper we propose a new estimator by truncating, which is an extension of the procedure in White. This estimator is shown to be consistent when the truncating parameter converges to infinity with some rate.
Many survival studies record the times to two or more distinct failures oneach subject. The failures may be events of different natures or may be repetitions of the same kindof event. In this article, we consider the regression analysis of such multivariate failure timedata under the additive hazards model. Simple weighted estimating functions for the regressionparameters are proposed, and asymptotic distribution theory of the resulting estimators are derived.In addition, a class of generalized Wald and generalized score statistics for hypothesis testingand model selection are presented, and the asymptotic properties of these statistics are examined.
In this paper an asymptotic distribution is obtained for the maximaldeviation between the kernel quantile density estimator and the quantile density when the data aresubject to random left truncation and right censorship. Based on this result we propose a fullysequential procedure for constructing a fixed-width confidence band for the quantile density on afinite interval and show that the procedure has the desired coverage probability asymptotically asthe width of the band approaches zero.
A kernel-type estimator of the quantile function Q(p) = inf{t:F(t) ≥ p}, 0 ≤ p ≤ 1, is proposed based on the kernel smoother when the data are subjected to random truncation. The Bahadur-type representations of the kernel smooth estimator are established, and from Bahadur representations the authors can show that this estimator is strongly consistent, asymptotically normal, and weakly convergent.