Carbon isotope ratios (δ^(13)C) of 89 C_4 plant samples were determined fromthe loess area in North China. δ^(13)C values vary between -10.5per thousand and -14.6per thousandwith a mean of -12.6per thousand. Along a precipitation gradient from the semi-moist area to thesemiarid area, then to the arid area, the δ^(13)C values of C_4 plants show a slight decreasingtrend. The δ^(13)C values of C_4 plants in the dry season are found lower than those in the wetseason. These trends are opposite to those observed for C_3 species.
WANG Guoan1,2,3, HAN Jiamao 2, ZHOU Liping3, XIONG Xiaogang4, TAN Ming2, WU Zhenhai5 & PENG Jun6 1. Department of Plant Nutrition, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100094, China