Experiments on developing a frequency-stabilized 555.8-nm laser are presented. The 555.8-nm laser' is obtained by frequency doubling of a l lll.6-mn diode laser through single-passing a periodically poled lithium niobate (PPLN) waveguide. Tile 555.8-nm laser is then locked to a stable high-finesse Fabry Perot (FP) cavity by tile Pound Drever--Hall (PDH) technique. Tile finesse of the cavity is measured by tile heterodyne cavity ring-down spectroscopy technique. The linewidth of the 555.8-nm laser is investigated. Alter the laser is locked, the laser line width is reduced to about 3 kHz. This frequency-stabilized 555.8-nm laser is used in experiments on the laser cooling and trapping of ytterbium atoms to develop an ytterbium optical clock.
A fibre laser at 1111.6 nm is frequency doubled by two inhomogeneous MgO:LiNbO3 waveguides and the output powers of 85 mW and 49 mW at 555.8 nm have been generated with the conversion efficiencies of 47% and 27% respectively. By analysing the second harmonic generation temperature tuning curves, we investigate the influence of the optical inhomogeneities upon the conversion efficiency. The final result shows that the efficiency difference is mainly affected by the optical inhomogeneities in our case.
The modulation transfer spectroscopy in an ytterbium hollow cathode lamp at 399 nm is measured. The error signal for frequency locking is optimized by measuring the dependences of its slope, linewidth and magnitude on various parameters. Under the optimum condition, the laser frequency at 399 nm can be stabilized. The long-term stability of laser frequency is measured by monitoring the fluorescence signal of the ytterbium atomic beam induced by the locked laser. The laser frequency is shown to be tightly locked, and the stabilized laser is successfully applied to the cooling of ytterbium atoms.
The mounting configuration of an optical ring cavity is optimized for vibration insensitivity by finite element analysis. A minimum response to vertical accelerations is found by simulations made for different supporting positions.
We report the experimental results on measuring the isotope shifts and hyperfine splittings of all ytterbium isotopes for a 399-nm transition by using a quite simple and novel method. It benefits from the advantages of the modulation transfer spectroscopy in an ytterbium hollow cathode lamp and the Doppler-free spectroscopy in a collimated ytterbium atomic beam. The key technique in this experiment is simultaneously measuring the frequency separations of the two spectra twice, and the separation difference between two measurements is solely determined by the well-defined frequency of an acousto-optics modulator. Compared with the most of previously reported experimental results, ours are more accurate and completed, which will provide the useful information for developing a more accurate theoretical model to describe the interaction inside an ytterbium atom.
An optical atomic clock with 171yb atoms is devised and tested. By using a two-stage Doppler cooling technique, the 171Yb atoms are cooled down to a temperature of 6 ± 3 μK, which is close to the Doppler limit. Then, the cold 171Yb atoms are loaded into a one-dimensional optical lattice with a wavelength of 759 nm in the Lamb-Dicke regime. Furthermore, these cold 171yb atoms are excited from the ground-state 1S0 to the excited-state 3P0 by a clock laser with a wavelength of 578 nm. Finally, the 1S0-3P0 clock-transition spectrum of these 171yb atoms is obtained by measuring the dependence of the population of the ground-state 1 S0 upon the clock-laser detuning.