As the basis of designing and implementing a cyber-physical system (CPS), architecture research is very important but still at preliminary stage. Since CPS includes physical components, time and space constraints seriously challenge architecture study. In this paper, a service-oriented architecture of CPS was presented. Further, a two-way time synchronization algorithm for CPS service composition was put forward. And a formal method, for judging if actual CPS service meets space constraints, was suggested, which was based on space-π-calculus proposed. Finally, a case study was performed and CPS business process designed by the model and the proposed methods could run well. The application of research conclusion implies that it has rationality and feasibility.
Cyber physical system(CPS)provides more powerful service by cyber and physical features through the wireless communication.As a kind of social organized network system,a fundamental question of CPS is to achieve service self-organization with its nodes autonomously working in both physical and cyber environments.To solve the problem,the social nature of nodes in CPS is firstly addressed,and then a formal social semantic descriptions is presented for physical environment,node service and task in order to make the nodes communicate automatically and physical environment sensibly.Further,the Horn clause is introduced to represent the reasoning rules of service organizing.Based on the match function,which is defined for measurement between semantics,the semantic aware measurement is presented to evaluate whether environment around a node can satisfy the task requirement or not.Moreover,the service capacity evaluation method for nodes is addressed to find out the competent service from both cyber and physical features of nodes.According to aforementioned two measurements,the task semantic decomposition algorithm and the organizing matrix are defined and the service self-organizing mechanism for CPS is proposed.Finally,examinations are given to further verify the efficiency and feasibility of the proposed mechanism.