To reveal the genetic structures and relationships of the four ethnic populations from the maternal inheritance and explore the origins and migrations of nationalities, the genetic polymorphism of mtDNA in Dong, Gelao, Tujia, and Yi populations from Guizhou was studied by direct sequencing of hypervariable segment Ⅰ (HVS Ⅰ ) and PCR-RFLP of coding region. Thirty-seven (sub-) haplogroups were identified in the classification tree of mtDNA haplogroups. Haplogroup distributions and principal component (PC) analysis showed that the Dong has high frequencies of south-prevalent haplogroups, which indicates that it is a typically southern population. The Yi harbors high frequencies of the south-prevalent and northern-prevalent haplogroups, which demonstrates that it inherits the maternal characteristics from both southern and northern populations. The Yi and Gelao cluster together, the reason for which might be that their ancestries frequently underwent gene exchanges and mixtures.