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48 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
Testing cosmic transparency with the latest baryon acoustic oscillations and type Ia supernovae data
Observations show that Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) are dimmer than ex- pected from a matter dominated Universe. It has been suggested that this observed phenomenon can also be explained using light absorption instead of dark energy. However, there is a serious degeneracy between the cosmic absorption parameter and the present matter density parameter Ωm when one tries to place constraints on the cosmic opacity using SNe Ia data. We combine the latest baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) and Union2 SNe Ia data in order to break this degeneracy. Assuming a fiat ACDM model, we find that, although an opaque Universe is favored by SNe Ia+BAO since the best fit value of the cosmic absorption parameter is larger than zero, fire = 1 is ruled out at the 99.7% confidence level. Thus, cosmic opacity is not sufficient to account for the present observations and dark energy or modified gravity is still re- quired.
Jun ChenPu-Xun WuHong-Wei YuZheng-Xiang Li
Exact Calculations of Vertex ^-sγb and ,^-sZb in the Unitary Gauge
In this paper, we present the exact calculations for the vertex ^-sγb and ^sZb in the unitary gauge. We find that (a) the divergent- and μ-dependent terms are left in the effective vertex function Г^γμ(p, k) for b → sγ transition even after we sum up the contributions from four related Feynman diagrams; (b) for an on-shell photon, such terms do not contribute et al.; (c) for off-shell photon, these terms will be canceled when the contributions from both vertex ^sγb and ^sZb are taken into account simultaneously, and therefore the finite and gauge-independent function Zo(xt) = Co(xt) + Do(xt)/4, which governs the semi-leptonic decay b → sl^- l^+, is derived in the unitary gauge.
WU Lu-Sen XIAO Zhen-Jun
Abnormal Photoluminescence Properties of Polycrystalline ZnO Nanowire Arrays Synthesized by Electrodeposition
Large-scale ZnO nanowire arrays are synthesized by electrodeposition with subsequent heat treatment in atmosphere ambient at 450-650℃. Photoluminescence (PL) is investigated at 295K. Abnormal PL properties of an unusual sharp emission at 485 nm and a broad ultraviolet emission which are different from the other works of ZnO PL before are observed. Field emission scanning electronic microscopy and transmission electron microscopy results show that the length of Zn 0 nanowires is nearly 5μm and their diameter is about 70 nm. X-ray diffraction and electron diffraction results reveal that the ZnO nanowires are a polycrystalline structure.
B→K^*у/Decay in Top-Quark Two-Higgs-Doublet Model
By employing the QCD factorization approach for the exclusive B→Vу decays, we study the exclusive decay B→K^*у in the top-quark two-Higgs-doublet mode/(T2HDM). Within the considered parameter space, we find the following conclusions (a) A hght charged-Higgs boson with a mass about 200 GeV is clearly excluded by the date of B→K^*у decay, and this lower limit is comparable with that from the inclusive B→X8*у decay; (b) The theoretical predictions for CP asymmetry of B→K^*у in the T2HDM is always less than 1% in size; and (c) The isospin symmetry breaking for B→K^*у decay in the SM and T2HDM considered here is around 6% in size and well consistent with the data and the general expectations.
XIAO Zhen-Jun CHENG Hui-Hui Lü Lin-Xia
Optimal H_∞Output Feedback Control for a Class of Nonlinear Systems
This paper discusses optimal H_∞output feedback control using linear matrix inequalities for a class of system...
LIU MeiqinZHANG SenlinFAN ZhenSHENG Weihua
Epidemic-Like Proximity-Based Traffic Offloading
Cellular networks are overloaded due to the mobile traffic surge,and mobile social networks(MSNets) can be leveraged for traffic offloading.In this paper,we study the issue of choosing seed users for maximizing the mobile traffic offloaded from cellular networks.We introduce a gossip-style social cascade(GSC) model to model the epidemic-like information diffusion process in MSNets.For static-case and mobile-case networks,we establish an equivalent view and a temporal mapping of the information diffusion process,respectively.We further prove the submodularity in the information diffusion and propose a greedy algorithm to choose the seed users for traffic offloading,yielding a sub-optimal solution to the NP-hard traffic offloading maximization(TOM) problem.Experiments are carried out to study the offloading performance,illustrating that the greedy algorithm significantly outperforms the heuristic and random algorithms,and user mobility can help further reduce cellular load.
Exclusive Semi-leptonic Decays b → s(d)ν in the Standard Model with Fourth Generation
We consider the effects of the fourth generation quarks on the rare B decay processes described by the b → s(d)vv processes at the quark level. We find that the values of the branching ratios for some of these rare decay processes are much larger than the standard model (SM) predictions. These processes can be used to constrain the relevant free parameters.
Land cover classification of remote sensing imagery based on interval-valued data fuzzy c-means algorithm被引量:4
There is a certain degree of ambiguity associated with remote sensing as a means of performing earth observations.Using interval-valued data to describe clustering prototype features may be more suitable for handling the fuzzy nature of remote sensing data,which is caused by the uncertainty and heterogeneity in the surface spectral reflectance of ground objects.After constructing a multi-spectral interval-valued model of source data and defining a distance measure to achieve the maximum dissimilarity between intervals,an interval-valued fuzzy c-means(FCM)clustering algorithm that considers both the functional characteristics of fuzzy clustering algorithms and the interregional features of ground object spectral reflectance was applied in this study.Such a process can significantly improve the clustering effect;specifically,the process can reduce the synonym spectrum phenomenon and the misclassification caused by the overlap of spectral features between classes of clustering results.Clustering analysis experiments aimed at land cover classification using remote sensing imagery from the SPOT-5 satellite sensor for the Pearl River Delta region,China,and the TM sensor for Yushu,Qinghai,China,were conducted,as well as experiments involving the conventional FCM algorithm,the results of which were used for comparative analysis.Next,a supervised classification method was used to validate the clustering results.The final results indicate that the proposed interval-valued FCM clustering is more effective than the conventional FCM clustering method for land cover classification using multi-spectral remote sensing imagery.
YU XianChuanHE HuiHU DanZHOU Wei
Gradient thermal barrier coatings (GTBCs) produced by co-deposition of mixtures ofAl-Al2 O3-YSZ onto metallic bond coat exhibited longer lifetimes than the two-layeredTBCs. The finite element method (FEM) numerical models were used to investigatestress and strain states in the GTBCs and traditional two-layered TBCs as they cooledto 750℃ from a stress-free state at 850℃.
H.B. Guo, H.B. Xu and S.K. Gong (Department of Materials Science & Engineering, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing 100083, China)
Effect of pH on the Hydrothermal Synthesis of BN Nanocrystals
Boron nitride (BN) has been synthesized using hydrothermal synthesis method. The experimental results showed that the pH value of the reaction solution has an important effect on the yield and phases of BN samples. As the pH value decreased, the content of cBN increased and the yield improved. The increase in cBN content is resulted from the conversion of oBN into cBN under hydrothermal condition, and the growth of cBN nanocrystals may due to the decrease in the reaction speed, thus the crystalline perfection of BN improved when the pH value decreased.
Wei FANGXiao Peng HAONing LUNXian ZHAODe Liang CUIXu Tang TAOMin Hua JIANG