This paper proposes a new adaptive linear domain system identification method for small unmanned aerial rotorcraft.Byusing the flash memory integrated into the micro guide navigation control module, system records the data sequences of flighttests as inputs (control signals for servos) and outputs (aircraft’s attitude and velocity information).After data preprocessing, thesystem constructs the horizontal and vertical dynamic model for the small unmanned aerial rotorcraft using adaptive geneticalgorithm.The identified model is verified by a series of simulations and tests.Comparison between flight data and the one-stepprediction data obtained from the identification model shows that the dynamic model has a good estimation for real unmannedaerial rotorcraft system.Based on the proposed dynamic model, the small unmanned aerial rotorcraft can perform hovering,turning, and straight flight tasks in real flight tests.
Xusheng Lei,Yuhu Du School of the Instrumentation Science and Opto-Electronic Engineering,Beihang University,Beijing 100191,P.R.China
MEMS (micro electro mechanical systems) inertial navigation system ~, Mll'~3) nas Been WllUly used in robots for its low-cost. The MINS and magnetometers are commonly the component parts of the attitude and heading reference systems (AHRS), which provide pitch and roll angles relative to the earth gravity vector, and heading angle relative to the north. However, the performance of sen- sors with low cost AHRS is not so good. The gyros are not sensitive enough to observe the earth an- gular velocity, so the traditional technique like alignment algorithm is invalid. The measurements of gyros become useless to determine the initial attitude matrix from navigation frame to body frame. The alignment algorithm is computed by the accelerometers and magnetometers. The process is es- tablished as an optimization problem of finding the maximum eigenvector. Meanwhile the sensitive analysis with respect to the biases of accelerometers is proposed. Then the recursive least squares al- gorithm (RLSA) is introduced. The comparison between the proposed method and RLSA is provid- ed. The results demonstrate its accuracy favorably and verify the feasibility of the proposed algo- rithm.
For autonomous MUAV,the Ground Control Station(GCS)including hardware and modular software programming such as control modular,navigation modular,display modular and monitor modular becomes important equipment to be developed.This paper emphasizes the global planning and the local replanning arithmetic based on three-dimensional velocity potential field for the moving threats.During the test on the ground and in the sky,GCS show the remote sensing information precisely and send the control command in time.The system can be used to assist in the function of autonomous complex task for MUAV.