The high-pressure (HP) eclogite in the western Dabie Mountain encloses numerous hornblendes, mostly barroisite. Opinions on the peak metamorphic P-T condition, PT path and mineral paragenesis of it are still in dispute. Generally, HP eclogite involves garnet, omphacite, hornblendes and quartz, with or without glaucophane, zoisite and phengite. The garnet has compositional zoning with XMg increase, XCa and XMn decrease from core to rim, which indicates a progressive metamorphism. The phase equilibria of the HP eclogite modeled by the P-T pseudosection method developed recently showed the following: (1) the growth zonation of garnet records a progressive metamorphic PT path from pre-peak condition of 1.9-2.1 GPa at 508~C-514~C to a peak one of 2.3-2.5 GPa at 528~C-531~C for the HP eclogite; (2) the peak mineral assemblage is garnet+omphacite+glaucophane+quartz_+phengite, likely paragenetic with lawsonite; (3) the extensive hornblendes derive mainly from glaucophane, partial omphacite and even a little garnet due to the decompression with some heating during the post-peak stage, mostly representing the conditions of about 1.4-1.6 GPa and 580~C-640~C, and their growth is favored by the dehydration of lawsonite into zoisite or epidote, but most of the garnet, omphacite or phengite in the HP eclogite still preserve their compositions at peak condition, and they are not obviously equilibrious with the hornblendes.
Monazites from low-pressure pelitic granulite of the Jingshan Group in the Jiaobei terrane were dated by the electron microprobe method. Three stages of metamor- phic age at 1720±15 Ma, 1687±16 Ma and 1568±15 Ma were yielded by constructing age mapping for zoned mona- zites and PbO-ThO2* isochron diagram for unzoned mona- zites, respectively. The first age was interpreted as the age of an early amphibolite-facies metamorphism, the second age as the peak granulite-facies, and the last age as uplifting of the granulite unit. These ages are the first geochronologic data for the low-pressure pelitic granulites in the Jingshan Group, and thus are of important significance when discussing the tectono-metamorphic evolution of the Jiaobei terrane.
A belt of low Al-Trondhjemite-Tonalite-Diorite (TTD) series has been recognized along the Northern Qinling Orogenic Belt (NQOB), which is dated as 430―399 Ma and charac-teristic of positive εNd(t ) values. Geochemical features and trace elements simulation indicate that the TTD series was probably originated from differently partial melting of tholeiitic rocks from the Erlangping group. Thermodynamic analysis on the residue phases of the partial melting pro- cesses suggests that the TTD series may represent a dynamic process of temperature-increasing and pressure-decreasing, indicating an extension and thinning process of a thickened crust.
对于大别山高压-超高压变质带中大面积出露的云母片岩和片麻岩的变质条件和演化历史有不同的认识:如中低压绿帘角闪岩相,高压角闪岩相和超高压榴辉岩相。通过对大别山南部超高压榴辉岩区、高压榴辉岩区和宿松变质杂岩带中的云母片岩和片麻岩进行详细的岩相学及相平衡研究表明:它们的变质条件分别为610℃~690℃,1.2~1.4Ga;590~600℃、1.3~1.5GPa;520~590℃,0.9~1.4GPa,相当于高压绿帘角闪岩相、高压角闪岩相与榴辉岩相之间的过渡。依据超高压榴辉岩区绿帘石黑云片麻岩中的石榴石环带特征推测,它们很可能经过超高压变质阶段,现有矿物组合记录了抬升阶段的条件。但是高压榴辉岩区的石榴石绿帘石二云片麻岩和宿松变质杂岩带中石榴石云母片岩中的石榴石环带特征表明,其现有矿物组合记录了变质峰期条件,不应该经历更高压变质阶段。在 KFMASH 体系的 PT 视剖面图上计算多硅白云母 Si 含量等值线表明,在多数矿物组合中白云母的 Si 含量可作为地质压力计,但 Si 等值线的斜率受到矿物组合的控制。