Insulin stimulates the production of PI(3,4,5)P3 in muscle cells, and this is required to stimulate GLUT4 fusion with the plasma membrane. Introduction of exogenous PI(3,4,5)P3 to muscle cells recapitulates insulin's effects on GLUT4 fusion with the plasma membrane, but not glucose uptake. This study aims to explore the mechanism behind this difference. In L6-GLUT4myc muscle cells, the availability of the GLUT4 intracellular C-terminus and extracellular myc epitopes for immunoreactivity on plasma membrane lawns was detected with the corresponding antibody. The availability of the active site of GLUT4 from extracellular medium was assessed by affinity photolabeling with the cell impermeant compound Bio-LC-ATB-BMPA. 100nmol/L insulin and 10μmol/L PI(3,4,5)P3 caused myc signal gain on the plasma membrane lawns by 1.64-fold and 1.58-fold over basal, respectively. Insulin, but not PI(3,4,5)P3, increased photolabeling of GLUT4 and immunolabeling with C-terminus antibody by 2.47-fold and 2.04-fold over basal, respectively. Upon insulin stimulation, the C-terminus signal gain was greater than myc signal gain (2.04-fold vs. 1.64-fold over basal, respectively) in plasma membrane lawns. These results indicate that (i) PI(3,4,5)P3 does not make the active site of GLUT4 available from the extracellular surface despite causing GLUT4 fusion with the plasma membrane; (ii) the availability of the active site of GLUT4 from the extracellular medium and availability of the C-terminus from the cytosolic site are correlated; (iii) in addition to stimulating GLUT4 translocation, insulin stimulation displaces a protein which masks the GLUT4 C-terminus. We propose that a protein which masks the C-terminus also prevents the active site from being available for photolabelling and possibly glucose uptake after treatment with PI(3,4,5)P3.
L6 skeletal muscle myoblasts stably overexpressing glucose transporter GLUT1 or GLUT4 with exofa- cial myc-epitope tags were characterized for their response to insulin. In clonally selected cultures, 2-deoxyglucose uptake into L6-GLUT1myc myoblasts and myotubes was linear within the time of study. In L6-GLUT1myc and L6-GLUT4myc myoblasts, 100 nmol/L insulin treatment increased the GLUT1 content of the plasma membrane by 1.58±0.01 fold and the GLUT4 content 1.96±0.11 fold, as well as the 2-deoxyglucose uptake 1.53±0.09 and 1.86±0.17 fold respectively, all by a wortmannin-inhibitable manner. The phosphorylation of Akt in these two cell lines was increased by insulin. L6-GLUT1myc myoblasts showed a dose-dependent stimulation of glucose uptake by insulin, with unaltered sensitiv- ity and maximal responsiveness compared with wild type cells. By contrast, the improved insulin re- sponsiveness and sensitivity of glucose uptake were observed in L6-GLUT4myc myoblasts. Earlier studies indicated that forskolin might affect insulin-stimulated GLUT4 translocation. A 65% decrease of insulin-stimulated 2-deoxyglucose uptake in GLUT4myc cells was not due to an effect on GLUT4 mobi- lization to the plasma membrane, but instead on direct inhibition of GLUT4. Forskolin and dipyridamole are more potent inhibitors of GLUT4 than GLUT1. Alternatively, pentobarbital inhibits GLUT1 more than GLUT4. The use of these inhibitors confirmed that the overexpressed GLUT1 or GLUT4 are the major functional glucose transporters in unstimulated and insulin-stimulated L6 myoblasts. Therefore, L6-GLUT1myc and L6-GLUT4myc cells provide a platform to screen compounds that may have differ- ential effects on GLUT isoform activity or may influence GLUT isoform mobilization to the cell surface of muscle cells.