This paper investigates the stability analysis and antiwindup design problem for a class of discrete-time switched linear systems with time-varying norm-bounded uncertainties and saturating actuators by using the switched Lyapunov function approach. Supposing that a set of linear dynamic output controllers have been designed to stabilize the switched system without considering its input saturation, we design antiwindup compensation gains in order to enlarge the domain of attraction of the closed-loop system in the presence of saturation. Then, in terms of a sector condition, the antiwindup compensation gains which aim to maximize the estimation of domain of attraction of the closed-loop system are presented by solving a convex optimization problem with linear matrix inequality (LMI) constraints. A numerical example is given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed design method.
Model reference adaptive control (MRAC) is considered for a class of switched nonlinear systems in which the unknown parameters appear linearly. The linear uncertain parameters in each subsystem can be expressed as a vector and the uncertain vectors in different subsystems are estimated individually by different vector variables. Update laws are designed such that the parameter estimation will 'freeze' until its corresponding subsystem is active. Controllers for subsystems are given to ensure asymptotic states tracking under arbitrary switchings. Two examples are presented to validate the proposed method.
This paper investigates L2-gain analysis and anti-windup compensation gains design for a class of discrete-time switched systems with saturating actuators and L2 bounded disturbances by using the switched Lyapunov function approach.For a given set of anti-windup compensation gains,we firstly give a sufficient condition on tolerable disturbances under which the state trajectory starting from the origin will remain inside a bounded set for the corresponding closed-loop switched system subject to L2 bounded disturbances.Then,the upper bound on the restricted L2-gain is obtained over the set of tolerable disturbances.Furthermore,the antiwindup compensation gains aiming to determine the largest disturbance tolerance level and the smallest upper bound of the restricted L2-gain are presented by solving a convex optimization problem with linear matrix inequality(LMI) constraints.A numerical example is given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed design method.