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作品数:4 被引量:17H指数:3


  • 4篇中文期刊文章


  • 2篇生物学
  • 1篇天文地球
  • 1篇自动化与计算...


  • 2篇ABSORP...
  • 2篇PHYTOP...
  • 1篇遥感
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  • 1篇POC
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  • 1篇光学精密工程


  • 1篇2015
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  • 2篇2013
4 条 记 录,以下是 1-4
A bio-optical inversion model to retrieve absorption contributions and phytoplankton size structure from total minus water spectral absorption using genetic algorithm被引量:2
We propose a bio-optical inversion model that retrieves the absorption contributions of phytoplankton and colored detrital matter(CDM),as well as the phytoplankton size classes(PSCs),from total minus water absorption spectra.The model is based on three-component separation of phytoplankton size structure and a genetic algorithm.The model performance was tested on two independent datasets(the NASA bio-Optical Marine Algorithm Dataset(NOMAD) and the northern South China Sea(NSCS) dataset).The relationships between the estimated and measured values were strongly linear,especially for aCDM(412),and the Root Mean Square Error(RMSE) of the CDM exponential slope(SCDM) was relatively low.Next,the inversion model was directly applied to in-situ total minus water absorption spectra determined by an underwater meter during a cruise in September 2008,to retrieve the phytoplankton size structure in the seawater.By comparing the measured and retrieved chlorophyll a concentrations,we demonstrated that total and size-specific chlorophyll a concentrations could be retrieved by the model with relatively high accuracy.Finally,we applied the bio-optical inversion model to investigate changes in phytoplankton size structure induced by an anti-cyclonic eddy in the NSCS.
Phytoplankton size class derived from phytoplankton absorption and chlorophyll-a concentrations in the northern South China Sea被引量:5
A previously developed model was modified to derive three phytoplankton size classes (micro-, nano-, and pico-phytoplankton) from the overall chlorophyll-a concentration, assuming that each class has a specific absorption coefficient. The modified model performed well using in-situ data from the northern South China Sea, and the results were reliable and accurate. The relative errors of the size-fractioned chlorophyll-a concentration for each size class were: micro-:21%, nano-:41%, pico-:26%, and nano+pico:23%. The model was then applied on ocean color remote sensing data to examine the distribution and variation of phytoplankton size classes in northern South China Sea on a large scale.
Empirical ocean color algorithm for estimating particulate organic carbon in the South China Sea被引量:4
We examined regional empirical equations for estimating the surface concentration of particulate organic carbon (POC) in the South China Sea. These algorithms are based on the direct relationships between POC and the blue-to-green band ratios of spectral remotely sensed reflectance, Rrs(λB)/Rrs(555). The best error statistics among the considered formulas were produced using the power function POC (rag/ m3)=262.173 [Rrs(443)/Rrs(555)]^-0.940. This formula resulted in a small mean bias of approximately -2.52%, a normalized root mean square error of 31.1%, and a determination coefficient of 0.91. This regional empirical equation is different to the results of similar studies in other oceanic regions. Our validation results suggest that our regional empirical formula performs better than the global algorithm, in the South China Sea. The feasibility of this band ratio algorithm is primarily due to the relationship between POC and the green-to- blue ratio of the particle absorption coefficient. Colored dissolved organic matter can be an important source of noise in the band ratio formula. Finally, we applied the empirical algorithm to investigate POC changes in the southwest of Luzon Strait.
利用2004~2012年在南海获得的9个航次的实测Chl-a数据,采用NASA标准业务化算法OC3和针对低Chl-a水体所发展的最新算法OCI反演获得了相应的MODIS-Aqua Chl-a产品.通过建立实测与遥感产品的时空匹配数据对,开展了Chl-a产品的适用性评估,并对比分析了上述两种算法的性能.在此基础上,利用南海实测遥感反射率(Rrs(λ))和MODIS-AquaRrs(λ)产品以及相应实测Chl-a的匹配数据集,分别对算法OC3和OCI进行了区域性修正.结果显示:基于算法OC3和OCI反演所得的MODIS-Aqua Chl-a产品值均高估了实测值,平均绝对误差(APD)的精度分别为56.30%和42.58%,且算法OCI可明显改善低Chl-a水体(<0.25 mg· m^-3)的反演精度;采用南海MODIS-AquaRrs(λ)产品与实测Chl-a匹配数据集(N=82)修正后的区域性算法NOC3和NOCI的精度均有不同程度提高,APD精度分别为37.85%和36.74%;采用现场实测Rrs(λ)与Chl-a匹配数据集(N=123)进行区域性修正后的算法INOC3和INOCI的APD精度分别为36.61%和37.79%,上述两种方案精度较为接近.因此,对于南海海域而言,算法的区域性修正对于改善MODIS-Aqua Chl-a产品精度非常重要.