This paper investigates the jamming sensing performance of the simultaneous transmit and receive based cognitive anti-jamming(SCAJ) receiver impaired by phase noise in local oscillators(LO) over fading channels. Firstly, energy detection(ED)based on the jamming to noise ratio(JNR) of the high frequency bands SCAJ receiver with phase noise under different channels is analyzed. Then, the probabilities of jamming detection and false alarm in closed-form for the SCAJ receiver are derived. Finally,the modified Bayesian Cramer-Rao bound(BCRB) of jamming sensing for the SCAJ receiver is presented. Simulation results show that the performance degradation of the SCAJ system due to phase noise is more severe than that due to the channel fading in the circumstances where the signal bandwidth(BW) is kept a constant. Moreover, the signal BW has an effect on the phase noise in LO, and the jamming detection probability of the wideband SCAJ receiver with lower phase noise outperforms that of the narrowband receiver using the same center frequency. Furthermore,an accurate phase noise estimation and compensation scheme can improve the jamming detection capability of the SCAJ receiver in high frequency bands and approach to the upper bound.