The use of a priori knowledge in remote sensing inversion has great implications for ensuring the stability of inversion process and reducing uncertainties in retrieved results, especially under the condition of insufficient observations. Common optimization algorithms have difficulties in providing posterior distribution and thus cannot directly acquire uncertainties in inversion results, which is of no benefit to remote sensing application. In this article, ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) has been introduced to retrieve surface geophysical parameters from remote sensing observations, which has the capability of not merely obtaining inversion results but also giving its posterior distribution. To show the advantage of EnKF, it is compared to standard MODIS AMBRALS algorithm and highly effi-cient global optimization method SCE-UA. The inversion abilities of kernel-driven BRDF models with different kernel combinations at several main cover types are emphatically discussed when observa-tions are deficient and a priori knowledge is introduced into inversion.
QIN Jun1, YAN Guangjian1, LIU Shaomin1, LIANG Shunlin2, ZHANG Hao1, WANG Jindi1 & LI Xiaowen1 1. State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science, School of Geography and Remote Sensing, Research Center for RS&GIS, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China