根据ASTME681-04及ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 34-2007标准,建立了一套全自动可燃性气体爆炸极限实验系统.该系统实际配气比例与设定比例的误差不超过±0.1%,配气比例的不确定度小于0.5%.对几种常见制冷剂的爆炸极限进行了测试,验证了系统的准确性.对二甲醚/HFC125混合气体的爆炸极限进行了实验研究,结果表明,加入HFC125后二甲醚的可燃性范围减小,当HFC125与二甲醚的体积比为4.6时达到临界抑爆点,但HFC125含量较低时对二甲醚的阻燃作用不明显.该测试结果为将二甲醚作为一种环保型制冷剂进行推广应用提供了安全参考.
We use non-equilibrium molecular dynamics simulations to calculate the self-diffusion coefficient, D, of a Lennard Jones fluid over a wide density and temperature range. The change in self-diffusion coefficient with temperature decreases by increasing density. For density ρ* = ρσ3 = 0.84 we observe a peak at the value of the self-diffusion coefficient and the critical temperature T* = kT/ε = 1.25. The value of the self-diffusion coefficient strongly depends on system size. The data of the self-diffusion coefficient are fitted to a simple analytic relation based on hydrodynamic arguments. This correction scales as N-α, where α is an adjustable parameter and N is the number of particles. It is observed that the values of a 〈 1 provide quite a good correction to the simulation data. The system size dependence is very strong for lower densities, but it is not as strong for higher densities. The self-diffusion coefficient calculated with non-equilibrium molecular dynamic simulations at different temperatures and densities is in good agreement with other calculations fronl the literature.