Recent study has suggested that innate immune system might play an important role in pregnancy progression. In this study, to investigate whether NK cells and NKT cells, instead of T cells, are the dominant populations of peripheral blood in early pregnancy, flow cytometry was used to detect the percentage and intracellular cytokine expressions of T cells, NK cells, NKT cdls in peripheral blood of non-pregnant women and early pregnant women. In our result, the percentages of NK calls and NKT calls were significantly increased in pregnancy compared to non-pregnancy. However, the percentage of T cells was not changed. We did not detect the Th2-dominance of total lymphocytes or T cells in peripheral blood of early pregnant women and there were also no significant changes of type 1 and type 2 cytokines in T cells, but IFN-γ production in both NK and NKT cells was decreased in early pregnancy. These results suggest that the innate immune system including NK cells and NKT cells should play a pivotal role in pregnancy progression. Type 1/type 2 shift mechanisms in innate immune system during the human early pregnancy should be paid more attention.
目的研究骨髓间充质干细胞(mesenchymal stem cell,MSC)条件培养液对小鼠MII卵母细胞的孤雌激活作用及胚胎发育能力。方法分离、培养小鼠MSC,获取MSC条件培养液(conditioned medium of MSC,CM)。通过促排技术获取小鼠MII卵母细胞,分别采用CM、7%乙醇、IVF方法激活,体视显微镜下观察原核形成及囊胚形成率。在CM激活后不同时间点,利用α/β-tubulin抗体标记纺锤体,激光共聚焦显微镜下观察有/无细胞松弛素B(CB)存在时纺锤体的运动变化。结果 CM可以激活小鼠MII卵母细胞,最佳刺激时间为40min,激活率达到95.4%,囊胚形成率为62%,与7%乙醇组比较无显著差异,但明显低于IVF组(95.4%vs.100%;62%vs.88%,P<0.01)。CB可以抑制纺锤体的旋转,阻止第二极体的排出,促进二倍体孤雌胚形成,提高囊胚形成率(62%vs.9%,P<0.01)。结论 CM能有效激活小鼠MII卵母细胞并促进孤雌发育。