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3 条 记 录,以下是 1-3
Let G be a finite group and π(G) = {pl,p2,…… ,pk} be the set of the primes dividing the order of G. We define its prime graph F(G) as follows. The vertex set of this graph is 7r(G), and two distinct vertices p, q are joined by an edge if and only if pq ∈ πe(G). In this case, we write p - q. For p ∈π(G), put deg(p) := |{q ∈ π(G)|p - q}|, which is called the degree of p. We also define D(G) := (deg(p1), deg(p2),..., deg(pk)), where pl 〈 p2 〈 -……〈 pk, which is called the degree pattern of G. We say a group G is k-fold OD-characterizable if there exist exactly k non-isomorphic finite groups with the same order and degree pattern as G. Specially, a l-fold OD-characterizable group is simply called an OD-characterizable group. Let L := U6(2). In this article, we classify all finite groups with the same order and degree pattern as an almost simple groups related to L. In fact, we prove that L and L.2 are OD-characterizable, L.3 is 3-fold OD-characterizable, and L.S3 is 5-fold OD-characterizable.
Recognizing Finite Groups Through Order and Degree Patterns被引量:2
The degree pattern of a finite group G associated with its prime graph has been introduced by Moghaddamfar in 2005 and it is proved that the following simple groups are uniquely determined by their order and degree patterns: All sporadic simple groups, the alternating groups Ap (p ≤ 5 is a twin prime) and some simple groups of the Lie type. In this paper, the authors continue this investigation. In particular, the authors show that the symmetric groups Sp+3, where p + 2 is a composite number and p + 4 is a prime and 97 〈 p ∈π(1000!), are 3-fold OD-characterizable. The authors also show that the alternating groups All6 and A134 are OD-characterizable. It is worth mentioning that the latter not only generalizes the results by Hoseini in 2010 but also gives a positive answer to a conjecture by Moghaddamfar in 2009.
Yanxiong YANGuiyun CHENLiangcai ZHANGHaijing XU
Recognizing the Automorphism Groups of Mathieu Groups Through Their Orders and Large Degrees of Their Irreducible Characters*
It is a well-known fact that characters of a finite group can give important information about the structure of the group. It was also proved by the third author that a finite simple group can be uniquely determined by its character table. Here the authors attempt to investigate how to characterize a finite almost-simple group by using less information of its character table, and successfully characterize the automorphism groups of Mathieu groups by their orders their character tables. and at most two irreducible character degrees of
Yanxiong YANLiangcai ZHANGHaijing XUGuiyun CHEN