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  • 1篇农业科学


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  • 1篇2017
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2 条 记 录,以下是 1-2
Effects of internal tidal dissipation and self-attraction and loading on semidiurnal tides in the Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea and East China Sea: a numerical study被引量:5
A parameterized internal tide dissipation term and self-attraction and loading(SAL) tide term are introduced in a barotropic numerical model to investigate the dynamics of semidiurnal tidal constituents M_2 and S_2 in the Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea and East China Sea(BYECS). The optimal parameters for bottom friction and internal dissipation are obtained through a series of numerical computations. Numerical simulation shows that the tide-generating force contributes 1.2% of M_2 power for the entire BYECS and up to 2.8% for the East China Sea deep basin. SAL tide contributes 4.4% of M_2 power for the BYECS and up to 9.3% for the East China Sea deep basin. Bottom friction plays a major role in dissipating tidal energy in the shelf regions, and the internal tide eff ect is important in the deep water regions. Numerical experiments show that artifi cial removal of tide-generating force in the BYECS can cause a signifi cant dif ference(as much as 30 cm) in model output. Artifi cial removal of SAL tide in the BYECS can cause even greater diff erence, up to 40 cm. This indicates that SAL tide should be taken into account in numerical simulations, especially if the tide-generating force is considered.
Vertical displacement loading tides and self-attraction and loading tides in the Bohai, Yellow, and East China Seas被引量:6
The loading tides are calculated by means of the Green's function method based on a high-resolution regional ocean tide model, the TOPO7.0 global ocean tide model, and the Gutenberg-Bullen A Earth model. The results show that the maximal amplitude of M2 vertical displacement loading (VDL) tide in the Bohai, Yellow, and East China Seas exceeding 28mm appears 150km off the Zhejiang coast; the second maximum exceeding 20mm appears in Inchon Bay; and the third maximum exceeding 14mm is located in the northeast of the North Yellow Sea. The maximal amplitudes of S2 VDL tide at the above three locations exceed 10, 8, and 4mm, respectively. The maximal amplitudes of the K1 and O1 VDL tides, exceeding 13 and 10 mm respectively, appear near the central and north Ryukyu Islands; the amplitudes tend to decease toward the inward areas. The phases of semidiurnal VDL tides are basically opposite to those of corresponding ocean tides. The phases of diurnal VDL tides are basically opposite to those of corresponding ocean tides in the most part of the East China Sea and the eastern part of the South Yellow Sea. This anti-phase relationship generally does not hold in the rest parts of the Bohai and Yellow Seas. The distribution patterns of self-attraction and loading (SAL) tides are very similar to those of VDL tides. The SAL tides have amplitudes about 1.2-1.7 times of the corresponding VDL tides and their phases are basically opposite to the corresponding VDL tides. The maximal amplitude of M2 SAL tide also appears off the Zhejiang coast, with a magnitude exceeding 42mm.
FANG GuoHongXU XiaoQingWEI ZeXunWANG YongGangWANG XinYi