A scheme is presented to generate atomic entanglement by detecting the transmission spectrum of a coupled- cavity system. In the scheme, two 3-level atoms are trapped in separate cavities coupled by a short optical fiber, and the atomic entanglement could be realized in a heralded way by detecting the transmission spectrum of the coupled-cavity system.
A scheme is proposed for tunable all-optical switching based on the double-dark states in a five-level atom-cavity system. In the scheme, the output signal light of the reflection and the transmission channels can be switched on or off by manipulating the control field. When the control light is coupled to the atom-cavity system, the input signal light is reflected by the cavity. Thus, there is no direct coupling between the control light and the signal light. Furthermore, the position of the double-dark states can be changed by adjusting the coherent field, and,thus, the switching in our scheme is tunable. By presenting the numerical calculations of the switching efficiency,we show that this type of the interaction-free all-optical switching can be realized with high switching efficiency.
We present a quantum-theoretical treatment of cavity linewidth narrowing with intracavity electromagnetically in- duced transparency (EIT). By means of intracavity EIT, the photons in the cavity are in the form of cavity polaritons: bright-state polariton and dark-state polariton. Strong coupling of the bright-state polariton to the excited state induces an effect known as vacuum Rabi splitting, whereas the dark-state polariton decoupled from the excited state induces a narrow cavity transmission window. Our analysis would provide a quantum theory of linewidth narrowing with a quantum field pulse.
We report on the transmission spectra of a sausage-like microresonator(SLM)in aqueous environment,where a fiber taper is used as a light coupler.The transmission spectra show an interesting dependence on the coupling position between the SLM and the fiber taper.When the SLM is moved along the fiber taper,the line shape can evolve periodically among symmetric dips,asymmetric Fano-like resonance line shapes,and symmetric peaks.A coupled-mode theory with feedback is developed to explain the observation.The observation of Fano-like resonance in aqueous environment holds great potential in biochemical sensing.