Non-injurious local stimuli, such as a cold shock, and injurious stimuli, such as local burning, punctures or chemicals, were applied to study electrical wave transmission in black pine (Pinus thunbergii) seedlings. The results showed that non-injurious stimuli evoked the action potential (AP) transmission and injurious stimulation induced both AP transmission and the more complex variation (VP) transmission in the seedlings. The causes of these phenomena were discussed. Key words Black pine - Pinus thunbergii - Action potential (AP) - Variation potential (VP) - Electrical wave transmission CLC number S791.256 Document code A Foundation item: This paper was supported by the National Nature Science Foundation of China (grant No. 39670613).Biography: GUO Jian (1971-), male, lecturer in Haikou Bureau of Forestry. Hainan, P. R. China.Responsible editor: Song Funan