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作品数:7 被引量:5H指数:1


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7 条 记 录,以下是 1-7
Feasibility study on optical vortex generation at Shanghai deep ultraviolet free-electron laser
Coherent light with orbital angular momentum(OAM)is of great interest.Recently,OAM light generation by coupling a relativistic electron beam with a Gaussian mode laser pulse at the high harmonics of a helical undulator has been demonstrated experimentally.In this paper,the possibility of delivering coherent OAM light at the 3^(rd)harmonic of the Gaussian mode seed laser is discussed for the Shanghai deep ultraviolet freeelectron laser(SDUV-FEL).Considerations are given on the experiment setup,the expected performance and the possible measurement method.
Simulation studies on laser pulse stability for Dalian coherent light source
Dalian Coherent Light Source will use a 300 MeV LINAC to produce fully coherent photon pulses in the wavelength range between 150–50 nm by high gain harmonic generation free electron laser(FEL) scheme. To generate stable FEL pulses, a stringent tolerance budget is required for the LINAC output parameters, such as the mean beam energy stability, electron bunch arrival time jitter, peak current variation and the transverse beam position ofset. In order to provide guidance for the design of the Dalian Coherent Light Source, in this paper, the sensitivity of FEL pulse energy fluctuation to various error sources of the electron bunch was performed using intensive start-to-end FEL simulations.
Generation of double pulses at the Shanghai soft X-ray free electron laser facility被引量:4
In this article, we present the promise of a new method generating double electron pulses in picosecondscale pulse length and tunable interpulse spacing at several picoseconds. This has witnessed an impressive potential of application in pump–probe techniques, two-color X-ray free electron laser, high-gradient witness bunch acceleration in a plasma, etc. Three-dimensional simulations are carried out to analyze the dynamic of the electron beam in a linear accelerator. Comparisons are made between the new method and existing ways.
Zhen WangChao FengQiang GuLi-Hua YuZhen-Tang Zhao
Single-shot measurement of free-electron laser polarization at SDUV-FEL
In this paper, a division-of-amplitude photopolarimeter (DOAP) for measuring the polarization state of a free-electron laser (FEL) pulse is described. The incident FEL beam is divided into four separate beams, and four Stokes parameters can be measured in a single-shot. In the crossed-planar undulators experiment at the Shanghai deep ultraviolet FEL test facility, this DOAP instrument constructed in house responsed accurately and timely while the polarization-state of fully coherent FEL pulses were switched, which is helpful for confirming the crossed-planar undulators technique for short-wavelength FELs.
Harmonic lasing of X-ray free electron laser: on the way to smaller and cheaper
By utilizing higher harmonics of undulator radiation, harmonic lasing is helpful in the development of compact X-ray free electron lasers (FELs), i.e. reducing their cost and size. Harmonic lasing of FELs has been experimentMly demonstrated in the low-gain FEL oscillators from terahertz, infrared to ultraviolet spectral range. Based on the current status and future directions of short-wavelength FELs worldwide, this paper reviews the progress on harmonic lasing of X-ray FELs, mainly concentrating on the recently proposed harmonic lasing of X-ray FEL oscillators and further ideas on harmonic lasing of single pass X-ray FEL amplifiers.
Numerical modeling of thermal loading of diamond crystal in X-ray FEL oscillators被引量:1
Due to high reflectivity and high resolution of X-ray pulses, diamond is one of the most popular Bragg crystals serving as the reflecting mirror and mono-chromator in the next generation of free electron lasers(FELs).The energy deposition of X-rays will result in thermal heating, and thus lattice expansion of the diamond crystal,which may degrade the performance of X-ray FELs. In this paper, the thermal loading effect of diamond crystal for X-ray FEL oscillators has been systematically studied by combined simulation with Geant4 and ANSYS, and its dependence on the environmental temperature, crystal size, X-ray pulse repetition rate and pulse energy are presented. Our results show that taking the thermal loading effects into account, X-ray FEL oscillators are still robust and promising with an optimized design.
FEL polarization control studies on Dalian coherent light source
The polarization switch of a free-electron laser (FEL) is of great importance to the user scientific community. In this paper, we investigate the generation of controllable polarization FEL from two well-known approaches for Dalian coherent light source, i.e., crossed planar undulator and elliptical permanent undulator. In order to perform a fair comparative study, a one-dimensional time-dependent FEL code has been developed, in which the imperfection effects of an elliptical permanent undulator are taken into account. Comprehensive simulation results indicate that the residual beam energy chirp and the intrinsic FEL gain may contribute to the degradation of the polarization performance for the crossed planar undulator. Tile elliptical permanent undulator is not very sensitive to the undulator errors and beam imperfections. Meanwhile, with proper configurations of the main planar undulators and additional elliptical pernmuent undulator section, circular polarized FEL with pulse energy exceeding 100 bt.J could be achieved at Dalian coherent light source.