针对AB5型储氢合金电极存在粉化严重、循环寿命短、循环稳定性差等问题,提出对合金粉进行氢化处理的新方法,选取La Mg0.26Ni3.44Co0.66A10.14Fe0.14为实验原料,根据DSC测试结果,确定吸放氢条件,并进行吸氢镀铜放氢的预处理,预处理后的合金进行电池性能测试,结果表明:吸氢量0.7%合金镀铜放氢后最大放电容量达到318.0 m Ah·g-1,且电化学容量衰减率小,循环稳定性好。粒度的影响研究表明:38-48μm吸氢镀铜放氢合金的最大放电容量达到327.3m Ah·g-1。
Emulsification troubled normal extraction process of rare earths due to the existence of non-rare earth impurities, especially Si, Al and Fe. Against this background, the effect of emulsification caused by Si, Al and Fe on the La extraction with saponification P507 (2-ethylhexyl phosphonic acid mono-2-ethylhexyl ester) in chloride medium was systematically investigated. A series of experiments were carried out to study the relationship of the extraction capacity of La and the concentration of impurities. ZPM-203 polarizing microscope was applied to investigate the morphology of emulsification, and the cation exchange extraction mechanism of Fe and Al as well as La was clarified by IR spectra. The results showed that a low concentration of Si in organic phase would aggravate the emulsification with Al, and the formation of ME (micro emulsion) and club-shaped polymer would result in emulsification in the extraction of mixtures of Si and Al, single Fe, respectively. Furthermore, the accumulation of impurity such as Si, Al and Fe in the organic phase would severely reduce the extraction capacity of La simultaneously.