A novel infrared light emitting diode (LED) based on an ordered p-n heterojunction built of a p-Si1-xGe/alloy and n-ZnO nanowires has been developed. The electroluminescence (EL) emission of this LED is in the infrared range, which is dominated by the band gap of Si1-xGex alloy. The EL wavelength variation of the LED shows a red shift, which increases with increasing mole fraction of Ge. With Ge mole fractions of 0.18, 0.23 and 0.29, the average EL wavelengths are around 1,144, 1,162 and 1,185 nm, respectively. The observed magnitudes of the red shifts are consistent with theoretical calculations. Therefore, by modulating the mole fraction of Ge in the Si1-xGex alloy, we can adjust the band gap of the SiGe film and tune the emission wavelength of the fabricated LED. Such an IR LED device may have great potential applications in optical communication, environmental monitoring and biological and medical analyses.
Taiping ZhangRenrong LiangLin DongJing WangJun XuCaofeng Pan
The modification of oxide-derived Cu electrode with Ni, Zn, and Au was examined to improve the catalytic activity of COz electroreduction. The experimental results showed that Ni modification increased the Faraday efficiency of the formation of formic acid and n-propanol. The Faraday effi- ciency relating to the formation of the liquid products was as high as 34.3% at -1.5 V versus the saturated calomel electrode reference potential. In contrast, modification with Zn reduced the for- mic acid formation efficiency but enhanced the alcohol formation efficiency. Finally, modification with Au suppressed the selectivity toward the formation of both formic acid and alcohols.