The mutual relationships of three effective factors, the diameter D/d (d is the diameter of exit) of obstructed plate, exit densimetric Froude number and the distance Hid of the plate from jet orifice for obstructed buoyant jet in static ambient, are analyzed to explain normal and abnormal rounded flowing (reverberated and bifurcated flowing). The critical Froude numbers for obstructed buoyant jets with H/d=2, 4, 6, 8 which distinguished normal and abnormal flowing pattern are obtained. Normal rounded flowing is found only for a plate under a special value of H/d. A fitted formula of critical Froude numbers with H/d and D/d is presented to distinguish rounded flowing types. The occurring of reverberated or bifurcated flowing in abnormal rounded flow is analyzed. Based on the results of obstructed buoyant jets with D/d=1, normal rounded flowing occurred only for all conditions and axial dilution behind the plate under different H/D is obtained.
针对水深平均二维浅水方程高分辨率模型,采用非交错网格下的二维对流扩散方程的混合有限分析法,运用SIMPLE算法结合Rhie and Chow的动量插值技术计算二维溃坝水流.一维理论解和其他格式的二维数值结果符合良好,表明非交错网格下的混合有限分析法能正确有效地求解溃坝问题.进而对部分溃决情况下的溃坝波传播和绕流问题进行了数值模拟,给出了精细的数值结果,揭示了复杂的运动特性,进一步表明混合有限分析法具有较强的溃坝波的捕捉能力,是求解溃坝流动的有效方法之一.
A depth-averaged 2-D numerical model for unsteady tidal flow in estuaries is established by use of the finite volume WENO scheme which maintains both uniform high order accuracy and an essentially non-oscillatory shock transition on unstructured triangular grid. The third order TVD Range-Kutta method is used for time discretization. The model has been firstly tested against four cases: 1) tidal forcing, 2) seiche oscillation, 3) wind setup in a closed bay, and 4) onedimensional dam-break water flow. The results obtained in the present study compare well with those obtained from the corresponding analytic solutions idealized for the above four cases. The model is then applied to the simulation of tidal circulation in the Yangpu Bay, and detailed model calibration and verification have been conducted with measured tidal current in the spring tide, middle tide, and neap tide. The overall performance of the model is in qualitative agreement with the data observed in 2005, and it can be used to calculate the flow in estuaries and coastal waters.