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7 条 记 录,以下是 1-9
A Strategy for Merging Objective Estimates of Global Daily Precipitation from Gauge Observations, Satellite Estimates, and Numerical Predictions被引量:4
This paper describes a strategy for merging daily precipitation information from gauge observations, satellite estimates (SEs), and numerical predictions at the global scale. The strategy is designed to remove systemic bias and random error from each individual daily precipitation source to produce a better gridded global daily precipitation product through three steps. First, a cumulative distribution function matching procedure is performed to remove systemic bias over gauge-located land areas. Then, the overall biases in SEs and model predictions (MPs) over ocean areas are corrected using a rescaled strategy based on monthly precipitation. Third, an optimal interpolation (OI)-based merging scheme (referred as the HL-OI scheme) is used to combine unbiased gahge observations, SEs, and MPs to reduce random error from each source and to produce a gauge--satellite-model merged daily precipitation analysis, called BMEP-d (Beijing Climate Center Merged Estimation of Precipitation with daily resolution), with complete global coverage. The BMEP-d data from a four-year period (2011- 14) demonstrate the ability of the merging strategy to provide global daily precipitation of substantially improved quality. Benefiting from the advantages of the HL-OI scheme for quantitative error estimates, the better source data can obtain more weights during the merging processes. The BMEP-d data exhibit higher consistency with satellite and gauge source data at middle and low latitudes, and with model source data at high latitudes. Overall, independent validations against GPCP-1DD (GPCP one-degree daily) show that the consistencies between B MEP-d and GPCP-1DD are higher than those of each source dataset in terms of spatial pattern, temporal variability, probability distribution, and statistical precipitation events.
Suping NIETongwen WUYong LUOXueliang DENGXueli SHIZaizhi WANGXiangwen LIUJianbin HUANG
Quality Control and Analysis of Global Gauge-Based Daily Precipitation Dataset from 1980 to 2009被引量:3
A series of quality control(QC) procedures were performed on a gauge-based global daily precipitation dataset from the Global Telecommunication System(GTS) for the period 1980-2009.A new global daily precipitation(NGDP) dataset was constructed by applying those QC procedures to eliminate erroneous records.The NGDP dataset was evaluated using the NOAA Climate Prediction Center Merged Analysis of Precipitation(CMAP) and the Global Precipitation Climatology Project(GPCP) precipitation datasets.The results showed that the frequency distribution and spatial distribution pattern of NGDP had a nice match with those from the CMAP and GPCP datasets.The global mean correlation coefficients with the CMAP and GPCP data increased from 0.24 for original GTS precipitation data to about 0.70 for NGDP data.Correspondingly,the root mean square errors(RMSE) decreased from 12 mm per day to 1 mm per day.The interannual variabilities of NGDP monthly precipitation are consistent with the CMAP and GPCP datasets in Asia.Meanwhile,the seasonal variabilities for most land areas on the Earth of NGDP dataset are also consistent with the CMAP and GPCP precipitation products.
NIE Su-PingLUO YongLI Wei-PingWU Tong-WenSHI Xue-LiWANG Zai-Zhi
Climate effects of the GlobeLand30 land cover dataset on the Beijing Climate Center climate model simulations被引量:9
Land cover is one of the most basic input elements of land surface and climate models. Currently, the direct and indirect effects of land cover data on climate and climate change are receiving increasing attentions. In this study, a high resolution(30 m) global land cover dataset(Globe Land30) produced by Chinese scientists was, for the first time, used in the Beijing Climate Center Climate System Model(BCC_CSM) to assess the influences of land cover dataset on land surface and climate simulations. A two-step strategy was designed to use the Globe Land30 data in the model. First, the Globe Land30 data were merged with other satellite remote sensing and climate datasets to regenerate plant functional type(PFT) data fitted for the BCC_CSM. Second, the up-scaling based on an area-weighted approach was used to aggregate the fine-resolution Globe Land30 land cover type and area percentage with the coarser model grid resolutions globally. The Globe Land30-based and the BCC_CSM-based land cover data had generally consistent spatial distribution features, but there were some differences between them. The simulation results of the different land cover type dataset change experiments showed that effects of the new PFT data were larger than those of the new glaciers and water bodies(lakes and wetlands). The maximum value was attained when dataset of all land cover types were changed. The positive bias of precipitation in the mid-high latitude of the northern hemisphere and the negative bias in the Amazon, as well as the negative bias of air temperature in part of the southern hemisphere, were reduced when the Globe Land30-based data were used in the BCC_CSM atmosphere model. The results suggest that the Globe Land30 data are suitable for use in the BCC_CSM component models and can improve the performance of the land and atmosphere simulations.
Simulation of freezing and melting of soil on the northeast Tibetan Plateau被引量:14
Using observational data spanning the period from February to December 2009 and recorded at the Suli station in Qinghai Province,the land-surface model CLM3.0 was employed to simulate the freezing and melting of soil.The results indicate that the simulated soil temperature is higher than the observed soil temperature and the ultimate thawing date is earlier than the observed date during the melting period.During the freezing period,the simulated soil temperature is lower than the observed soil temperature and the ultimate freezing of the deep soil is earlier than that observed.Overall,the simulation of freezing is better than that of melting,and the simulation of a shallow layer is better than that of a deeper layer.In the original CLM3.0,it is assumed that frozen soil begins to melt when the soil temperature exceeds 0C,which is inconsistent with observations.The critical freeze-thaw temperature was calculated according to thermodynamics equations and the freeze-thaw condition was modified.In this work,the melting rate for frozen soil was reduced using the modified scheme,and the simulated soil temperature was lowered. Meanwhile,the refreezing of soil during the melting season was well simulated and more closely matched observations.Additionally,it was found that the rates of melting and freezing differ,with the former being slower than the latter,but refreezing during the melting season is rather quick.
XIA Kun 1,2,3,LUO Yong 2,4,5 & LI WeiPing 2 1 Institute of Atmospheric Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100029,China
<正>1.引言降水是全球气候系统中最重要的气候变量之一。准确的全球尺度格点降水对于天气预报、气候变化、农业科学以及水资源和灾害风险管理等领域有重要的促进作用(Huffman and Klepp,2011)。台站观测、卫星...
地表覆盖是陆面及气候模式中的重要基础变量,其数据质量对气候模式性能有显著影响.本文基于一套中国自主研制的全球30m地表覆盖数据(GlobeLand30),利用北京气候中心气候系统模式(Beijing Climate CenterClimateSystemModel,BCC_CSM)中的陆面过程和大气环流分量模式,开展GlobeLand30数据对气候模式性能影响的研究.首先通过GlobeLand30和其他卫星遥感等辅助数据融合细化植被功能型(Plant FunctionType,PFT)类型数据满足BCC_CSM模式需求,然后利用基于面积比例的升尺度方法得到适合于全球模式的不同覆盖类型及其面积百分比数据.GlobeLand30与模式原有覆盖数据都能合理描述全球地表覆盖基本分布特征,但也存在一定差异,其中植被PFT类型的差别最明显.通过数值模拟试验全面评估GlobeLand30数据对模式结果的影响,结果表明在BCC_CSM的陆面模式和大气模式中采用GlobeLand30数据可以合理再现陆面与大气的基本气候特征;更新植被PFT数据的气候效应大于更新冰川和水体类型,综合更新所有覆盖类型数据对模拟结果的影响最大.引入GlobeLand30数据可降低BCC_CSM大气模式对北半球中高纬地区降水的正偏差和南美亚马逊等地区模拟降水的负偏差,以及南半球部分地区大气温度模拟的负偏差,因此GlobeLand30数据适用于BCC_CSM分量模式并对改善模式性能有正贡献.