Mitotic metaphase chromosomes of 34 species of Drosophila melanogaster species group were examined. Certain new karyotypes were described for the first time, and their evolutionary and interspecific genetic relationships among 8 subgroups of D. melanogaster species group were analyzed systematically. The results were as follows. The basic karyotype of elegans subgroup was type A. The karyotypes of eugracilis subgroup, melanogaster subgroup, and ficusphila subgroup were all type C. The karyotypes of takahashii subgroup and suzukii subgroup were both type C and type D. The montium subgroup had six kinds of karyotypes types B, C, C', D, D', and E. The ananassae subgroup had three kinds of karyotypes: types F, G, and H. Thus, the melanogaster species group was classified into five pedigrees based on the diversity of these karyotypes: 1) elegans; 2) eugracilis-melanogasterficusphila; 3) takkahashii-suzukii; 4) montium; 5) ananassae. The above-mentioned results in karyotypic evolution were consistent with those of DNA sequence analysis reported by Yang except for the elegans subgroup and this subgroup was considered as the ancestral subgroup. Karyotype analysis of the same drosophila from different isofemale lines indicated that the same Drosophila from different places showed karyotypic variation which might be due to different geographical environment and evolutionary degree or interaction between the two factors.
本实验对黑腹果蝇种组(melanogaster species group)中8个种亚组33个样品两个线粒体基因ND4和ND4L进行了测序,并分析了ND4基因的序列差异和碱基替换特点,发现近缘物种中存在很明显的转换倾向,而在远缘物种中由于重复替换导致转换数处于饱和状态,我们的实验数据证实了线粒体基因较核基因有较快的进化速度。最后根据D.melanogaster与D.yakuba的遗传距离推算了8个种亚组的分化时间,ananassae种亚组最先分化,然后依次是montium,melanogaster,fic-sphila,eugracilis,elegans,suzukii和takahashii最后分化。