Given L, N, M ∈ N and an NZ-periodic set S in Z, let l2(S) be the closed subspace of l2(Z) consisting of sequences vanishing outside S. For f = { fl : 0≤l≤L-1 }l2(Z), we denote by G(f, N, M) the Gabor system generated by f, and by L(f, N, M) the closed linear subspace generated by G(f, N, M). This paper addresses density results, frame conditions for a Gabor system G(g, N, M) in l2(S), and Gabor duals of the form G(a, N, M) in some L(h, N, M) for a frame G(g, N, M) in l2(S) (so-called oblique duals). We obtain a density theorem for a Gabor system G(g, N, M) in l2(S), and show that such condition is suficient for theexistence of g={XE1:0≤l≤L-1} with G(g,N,m) We characterize g with G(g,N,m) being respectively a frame for L(g,N,m) being a tight frame for l2(S).and G(h, N, M ) in L(h, N, M ), we establish a criterion for the existence of an oblique Gabor dual of g in L(h, N, M), study the uniqueness of oblique Gabor dual, and derive an explicit expression of a class of oblique Gabor duals (among which the one with the smallest norm is obtained). Some examples are also provided.
Let S be a periodic set in R and L2(S) be a subspace of L2(R). This paper investigates the density problem for multiwindow Gabor systems in L2(S) for the case that the product of time- frequency shift parameters is a rational number. We derive the density conditions for a multiwindow Gabor system to be complete (a frame) in L2(S). Under such conditions, we construct a multiwindow tight Gabor frame for L2 (S) with window functions being characteristic functions. We also provide a characterization of a multiwindow Gabor frame to be a Riesz basis for L2(S), and obtain the density condition for a multiwindow Gabor Riesz basis for L2 (S).