The analytic expression of proton in deep inelastic scattering is studied by using the color glass condensate model and the dipole picture. We get a better description of the HERA DIS data than the GBW model which was inspired by the Glauber model. We find that our model satisfies the unitarity limit and Froissart Bound which refers to an energy dependence of the total cross-section rising no more rapidly than ln^2 s.
The efficiency for the detection and identification of photons with the ALICE PHOton Spectrometer PHOS has been studied with the Monte-Carlo generated data. In particular, the influence on the efficiency of the PHOS-module edge-effect and of the material in front of PHOS have been examined.
We present a study for matching charged tracks reconstructed from the ALICE tracking detectors with the clusters measured in the photon spectrometer. Matching efficiency and contaminations due to wrong matches have been deduced for charged pions and muons. For electrons, the effect of the material in front of PHOS is discussed.